Name | Beschreibung | Thema |
3com_dmi | | |
1025 | | |
1028 | | |
1031 | | |
1033 | | |
1037 | | |
1041 | | |
1042 | | |
1054 | | |
2052 | | |
3076 | | |
Cache | | |
CatRoot | | |
CatRoot2 | | |
Com | | |
config | | |
dhcp | | |
DirectX | | |
dllcache | | |
drivers | | |
export | | |
ias | | |
icsxml | | |
IME | | |
inetsrv | | |
Logfiles | | |
Macromed | | |
Microsoft | | |
MsDtc | | |
mui | | |
npp | | |
oobe | | |
ras | | |
ReinstallBackups | | |
Restore | | |
Setup | | |
ShellExt | | |
spool | | |
usmt | | |
wbem | | |
wins | | |
xircom | | |
$winnt$.inf | | |
6to4svc.dll | Service that offers IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network. | |
12520437.cpx | | |
12520850.cpx | | |
a3d.dll | Audio3D (OEM) | |
aaaamon.dll | AAAA-Monitor-DLL | |
access.cpl | Systemsteuerungs-DLL | |
acctres.dll | Microsoft Internetkontomanager-Ressourcen | |
accwiz.exe | Microsoft Eingabehilfen-Assistent | | | Audio Decoder | |
acledit.dll | Zugriffssteuerungslisten-Editor | |
aclui.dll | Sicherheitsdeskriptor-Editor | |
activeds.dll | ADs Router-Ebene-DLL | |
activeds.tlb | Microsoft (R) ActiveDS Typelib | |
actmovie.exe | DirectShow Setup Tool | |
actxprxy.dll | ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library | |
admparse.dll | IEAK Global Policy Template Parser | |
admwprox.dll | IIS Admin Com API Proxy dll | |
admxprox.dll | IIS Admin Ex Com API Proxy dll | |
ADODCDE.DLL | Microsoft ADO-Datensteuerelement | |
adptif.dll | IPX Interface via WinSock | |
adsiis.dll | ADs IIS Provider DLL | |
adsiisex.dll | ADSI Extension | |
adsldp.dll | ADs LDAP Provider DLL | |
adsldpc.dll | DLL für ADs LDAP Provider C | |
adsmsext.dll | ADs LDAP Provider DLL | |
adsnds.dll | ADs NDS Anbieter-DLL | |
adsnt.dll | ADs Windows NT-Anbieter-DLL | |
adsnw.dll | ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL | |
advapi32.dll | Erweitertes Windows 32 Base-API | |
advpack.dll | ADVPACK | |
ahui.exe | Benutzeroberfläche für Anwendungskompatibilität | |
alg.exe | Application Layer Gateway Service | |
alrsvc.dll | Alerter Service DLL | |
amcompat.tlb | | |
amstream.dll | DirectShow Runtime. | |
ansi.sys | | |
apcups.dll | APC Smart Provider | |
append.exe | | |
apphelp.dll | Application Compatibility Client Library | |
appmgmts.dll | Softwareinstallationsdienst | |
appmgr.dll | Snap-In-Erweiterung für die Softwareinstallation | |
appwiz.cpl | Shellanwendungs-Manager | |
arp.exe | TCP/IP-Befehl ARP | |
asctrls.ocx | Active Setup-Steuerelemente | |
asferror.dll | ASF-Fehlerdefinitionen | |
asfsipc.dll | ASFSipc Object | |
aspperf.dll | Active Server Pages Performance Monitor DLL | |
asr_fmt.exe | Programm für die automatische Systemwiederherstellung | |
asr_ldm.exe | ASR-Dienstprogrammbibliothek für Verwaltung logischer Datenträger | |
asycfilt.dll | | |
at.exe | Befehlszeilenprogramm für Zeitplandienst | |
ATHPRXY.DLL | Microsoft Search Authentication Proxy | |
atkctrs.dll | DLL für Windows NT AppleTalk-Datenquellen | |
atl.dll | ATL Module for Windows NT (Unicode) | |
atmadm.exe | Dienstprogramm ATM-Anrufverwaltung | |
atmfd.dll | Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver | |
atmlib.dll | Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library. | |
atmpvcno.dll | Atm Epvc Install DLL | |
atrace.dll | Async Trace DLL | |
attrib.exe | Attribute Utility | |
Audio3D.dll | Audio3D (OEM) | |
audiosrv.dll | Windows Audio Service | |
authz.dll | Authorization Framework | |
autochk.exe | Automatisches Prüfprogramm | |
autoconv.exe | Programm zur Konvertierung des Dateisystems | |
autodisc.dll | Windows AutoDiscovery-API | |
autofmt.exe | Programm zur Konvertierung des Dateisystems | |
autolfn.exe | LFN strip/restore utility | |
avicap32.dll | AVI Capture Window Class | |
avicap.dll | AVI-Aufnahme-DLL | |
avifil32.dll | Microsoft AVI-Dateiunterstützungs-Bibliothek | |
avifile.dll | Microsoft AVI-Dateiunterstützungs-Bibliothek | |
avmeter.dll | Messsteuerung | |
avtapi.dll | TAPI 3.0-Wähöhilfe und IP-Multicast-Konferenzanzeige | |
avwav.dll | Wave Manipulation Component | |
axctrnm.h | | |
axperf.ini | | |
basesrv.dll | Windows NT BASE API Server DLL | |
batmeter.dll | Batteriemesshilfs-DLL | |
batt.dll | Battery Class Installer | |
bidispl.dll | Bidispl DLL | |
bios1.rom | | |
bios4.rom | | |
blackbox.dll | Black Box | |
bootcfg.exe | Startkonfigurationsprogramm | |
bootok.exe | Boot Acceptance Application for Registry | |
bootvid.dll | VGA Boot Driver | |
bootvrfy.exe | Boot Verify Application for Registry | |
bopomofo.uce | | |
browselc.dll | Shell Browser UI-Bbibliothek | |
browser.dll | Computer Browser Service DLL | |
browseui.dll | Shell Browser UI-Bibliothek | |
browsewm.dll | BrowseWM Player | |
c_037.nls | | |
c_437.nls | | |
c_500.nls | | |
c_737.nls | | |
c_775.nls | | |
c_850.nls | | |
c_852.nls | | |
c_855.nls | | |
c_857.nls | | |
c_860.nls | | |
c_861.nls | | |
c_863.nls | | |
c_865.nls | | |
c_866.nls | | |
c_869.nls | | |
c_874.nls | | |
c_875.nls | | |
c_932.nls | | |
c_936.nls | | |
c_949.nls | | |
c_950.nls | | |
c_1026.nls | | |
c_1250.nls | | |
c_1251.nls | | |
c_1252.nls | | |
c_1253.nls | | |
c_1254.nls | | |
c_1255.nls | | |
c_1256.nls | | |
c_1257.nls | | |
c_1258.nls | | |
c_10000.nls | | |
c_10006.nls | | |
c_10007.nls | | |
c_10010.nls | | |
c_10017.nls | | |
c_10029.nls | | |
c_10079.nls | | |
c_10081.nls | | |
c_10082.nls | | |
c_20127.nls | | |
c_20261.nls | | |
c_20866.nls | | |
c_20905.nls | | |
c_21866.nls | | |
c_28591.nls | | |
c_28592.nls | | |
c_28593.nls | | |
C_28594.NLS | | |
C_28595.NLS | | |
C_28597.NLS | | |
c_28598.nls | | |
c_28599.nls | | |
c_28605.nls | | |
cabinet.dll | Microsoft® Cabinet File API | |
cabview.dll | Shellerweiterung von Kabinettdatei-Viewer | |
cacls.exe | ACL-Steuerungsprogramm | |
calc.exe | Windows Rechner | |
camocx.dll | WIA Kameraansicht DLL | |
capesnpn.dll | Microsoft® Zertifikatsvorlagenverwaltung-Erweiterung | |
cards.dll | Entertainment Pack Cardplaying Helper DLL | |
catsrv.dll | | |
catsrvps.dll | | |
catsrvut.dll | | |
ccfgnt.dll | Internet Configuration Library | |
cdfview.dll | Viewer für Channeldefinitionsdatei | |
cdm.dll | Windows Update CDM Stub | |
cdmodem.dll | Modem Connection Driver | |
cdosys.dll | Microsoft CDO-Bibliothek für Windows 2000 | |
cdplayer.exe.manifest | | |
certcli.dll | Microsoft® Zertifikatsdienste-Client | |
certmgr.dll | Zertifikats-Snap-In | |
certmgr.msc | | |
cewmdm.dll | Windows CE WMDM Service Provider | |
cfgbkend.dll | Configuration Backend Interface | |
cfgmgr32.dll | Configuration Manager Forwarder DLL | |
Channels anzeigen | | |
charmap.exe | Zeichentabelle | | | Change CodePage Utility | |
chkdsk.exe | Check Disk Utility | |
chkntfs.exe | NTFS Volume Maitenance Utility | |
ciadmin.dll | CI-Administration (MMC) | |
ciadv.msc | | |
cic.dll | CIC - MMC-Steuerungen für Taskpad | |
cidaemon.exe | Indexing Service filter daemon | |
ciodm.dll | Indexing Service Admin Automation Objects | |
cipher.exe | Hilfsprogramm zur Dateiverschlüsselung | |
cisvc.exe | Content Index service | |
ckcnv.exe | Cookie Converter | |
clb.dll | Listenfeldspalten | |
clbcatex.dll | | |
clbcatq.dll | | |
cleanmgr.exe | Verwaltung für die Datenträgerbereinigung für Windows | |
cliconf.chm | | |
cliconfg.dll | SQL Client Configuration Utility DLL | |
cliconfg.exe | SQL Client Configuration Utility EXE | |
cliconfg.rll | SQL Client Configuration Utility Resource DLL | |
clipbrd.exe | Windows NT-Ablagemappe | |
clipsrv.exe | Windows NT DDE Server | |
clspack.exe | Class Package Export Tool | |
clusapi.dll | Cluster API Library | |
cmcfg32.dll | Microsoft Verbindungs-Manager-Konfigurations-DLL | |
CMCT2DE.DLL | Microsoft-Standardsteuerelemente 2 - ActiveX-Steuerelement-DLL | |
CMCT3DE.DLL | Satellit der Microsoft Standardsteuerelemente 3 | |
CMCTLDE.DLL | Windows-Standardsteuerelemente - ActiveX-Steuerelement-DLL | |
cmd.exe | Windows-Befehlsprozessor | |
cmdial32.dll | Microsoft Verbindungs-Manager | |
cmdl32.exe | Microsoft Verbindungs-Manager-Autodownload | |
CMDLGDE.DLL | DLL des ActiveX-Steuerelements Standarddialog (CMDialog) | |
cmdlib.wsc | | |
cmirmdrv.dll | | |
cmirmdrv.exe | CmiRemoveDriver MFC Application | |
cmmgr32.hlp | | |
cmmon32.exe | Microsoft Verbindungs-Manager-Monitor | |
cmos.ram | | |
cmpbk32.dll | Microsoft Connection Manager Phonebook | |
cmprops.dll | WMI-Snap-Ins | |
cmstp.exe | Microsoft Verbindungs-Manager-Profilinstallation | |
cmuda.dll | cmuda.dll | |
cmutil.dll | Microsoft Dienstprogrammbibliothek für Verbindungs-Manager | |
cnbjmon.dll | Sprachüberwachung für Canon Bubble-Jet-Drucker | |
cnetcfg.dll | Verbindungs-Manager-Bibliothek | |
cnvfat.dll | FAT File System Conversion Utility DLL | |
colbact.dll | | |
comaddin.dll | | |
comcat.dll | Microsoft Component Category Manager Library | |
COMCT232.DEP | | |
COMCT232.OCX | Microsoft Common Controls 2 ActiveX Control DLL | |
COMCT332.DEP | | |
COMCT332.OCX | Microsoft Common Controls 3 ActiveX Control DLL | |
COMCT332.SRG | | |
COMCTL32.DEP | | |
comctl32.dll | Common Controls Library | |
COMCTL32.OCX | Windows Common Controls ActiveX Control DLL | |
COMDLG32.DEP | | |
comdlg32.dll | DLL für gemeinsame Dialoge | |
COMDLG32.OCX | CMDialog ActiveX Control DLL | |
comm.drv | Windows COMM Driver | | | | |
commdlg.dll | Bibliothek für allgemeine Dialoge | |
COMMTB32.DLL | Microsoft Schaltflächen-Editor DLL | |
comp.exe | File Compare Utility | |
compact.exe | Programm für die Dateikomprimierung | |
compatUI.dll | CompatUI-Modul | |
compmgmt.msc | | |
compobj.dll | OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library | |
compstui.dll | DLL für die Benutzeroberfläche der Standardeigenschaftenseite | |
comrepl.dll | | |
comres.dll | | |
comsnap.dll | | |
comsvcs.dll | | |
comuid.dll | | |
confmsp.dll | Microsoft-IP-Konferenzmedien-Dienstanbieter | |
conime.exe | Console IME | |
console.dll | Programm "Konsole" in der Systensteuerung | |
control.exe | Windows Systemsteuerung | |
convert.exe | File System Conversion Utility | |
convlog.exe | IIS-Protokolldatei-Konvertierungsprogramm | |
corpol.dll | Microsoft COM Runtime Execution Engine | |
country.sys | | |
credui.dll | Benutzerschnittstelle für Anmeldeinformationsverwaltung | |
crtdll.dll | Microsoft C Runtime Library | |
crypt32.dll | Krypto-API32 | |
cryptdlg.dll | Microsoft Zertifikatsdialoge | |
cryptdll.dll | Cryptography Manager | |
cryptext.dll | Krypto-Shellerweiterungen | |
cryptnet.dll | Crypto Network Related API | |
cryptsvc.dll | Cryptographic Services | |
cryptui.dll | Microsoft Vertrauens-UI-Anbieter | |
cscdll.dll | Offlinenetzwerk-Agent | |
cscript.exe | Microsoft (r) Console Based Script Host | |
cscui.dll | Clientseitige Cachebenutzeroberfläche | |
csrsrv.dll | Client Server Runtime Process | |
csrss.exe | Client Server Runtime Process | |
csseqchk.dll | CSSeqChk | |
ctfmon.exe | CTF Loader | |
ctl3d32.dll | Ctl3D 3D Windows Controls | |
ctl3dv2.dll | Ctl3D 3D Windows NT(WOW) Control | |
ctype.nls | | |
d3d8.dll | Microsoft Direct3D | |
d3d8thk.dll | Microsoft Direct3D OS Thunk Layer | |
d3dim700.dll | Microsoft Direct3D | |
d3dim.dll | Microsoft Direct3D | |
d3dpmesh.dll | Direct3D Progressive Mesh DLL | |
d3dramp.dll | Microsoft Direct3D | |
d3drm.dll | Direct3D Retained Mode DLL | |
d3dxof.dll | DirectX Files DLL | |
danim.dll | DirectX Media -- DirectAnimation | |
dataclen.dll | Laufwerksbereiniger für Windows | |
datime.dll | TIME | |
DATRPDE.DLL | MSDatRep.ocx | |
davclnt.dll | Client-DLL für Web DAV | |
daxctle.ocx | Microsoft MMCtls | |
DBADAPT.DLL | Microsoft Data Adapter DLL | |
dbgeng.dll | Symbolic Debugger Engine for Windows 2000 | |
dbghelp.dll | Windows Image Helper | |
DBGRDDE.DLL | DLL des OLE-Steuerelements DBTabelle (DBGrid) | |
DBGRID32.DEP | | |
DBGRID32.OCX | DBGrid32 OLE Control DLL | |
DBLIST32.DEP | | |
DBLIST32.OCX | DBList | |
dbmsadsn.dll | ADSP Net DLL for SQL Clients | |
dbmsrpcn.dll | ConnectTo RPC Net Library | |
DBMSSHRN.DLL | ConnectTo RPC Net Library | |
DBMSSOCN.DLL | Winsock Net DLL for SQL Server | |
dbmsvinn.dLL | ConnectTo VINES Net Library | |
dbnetlib.dll | Winsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Clients | |
dbnmpntw.dll | Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients | |
DBRPRDE.DLL | Laufzeit-DLL von Microsoft Data Report, Version 6.0 | |
DBRPTDE.DLL | ActiveX-Designer-DLL von Microsoft Data Report, Version 6.0 | |
Dcache.bin | | |
dciman32.dll | DCI Manager | |
dcomcnfg.exe | | |
ddeml.dll | DDE-Verwaltung | |
ddeshare.exe | DDE-Share-Manager | |
ddraw.dll | Microsoft DirectDraw | |
ddrawex.dll | Direct Draw Ex | |
debug.exe | | |
defrag.exe | Disk Defragmenter Module | |
desk.cpl | Systemsteuerung - Desktop | |
deskadp.dll | Erweiterte Eigenschaften der Grafikkarte | |
deskmon.dll | Erweiterte Eigenschaften des Bildschirms | |
deskperf.dll | Erweiterte Anzeigeeigenschaften | |
desktop.ini | | |
devenum.dll | Geräteenumeration | |
devmgmt.msc | | |
devmgr.dll | Geräte-Manager-MMC-Snap-In | |
DEVTLDC.DLL | Microsoft(R) Developer Studio Automatisierungtypen | |
dfrg.msc | | |
dfrgfat.exe | Defragmentierung für FAT-Dateisystemmodul | |
dfrgntfs.exe | NTFS-Defragmentierung | |
dfrgres.dll | Ressourcenmodul für Defragmentierung | |
dfrgsnap.dll | Snap-In-Modul für Defragmentierung | |
dfrgui.dll | Disk Defragmenter UI Module | |
dfsshlex.dll | DFS-Shellerweiterung | |
dgnet.dll | Dgnet-Modul | |
dgrpsetu.dll | Digi RealPort® Driver Upgrade | |
dgsetup.dll | DGSETUP DLL | |
dhcpcsvc.dll | DHCP Clientdienst | |
dhcpmon.dll | DLL für DHCP-Monitor | |
dhcpsapi.dll | DHCP-Serverdienst | |
diactfrm.dll | Microsoft DirectInput-Zuordnungsumgebung | |
diantz.exe | Microsoft® Cabinet Maker | |
digest.dll | Digest SSPI Authentication Package | |
dimap.dll | Microsoft DirectInput Mapper | |
dinput8.dll | Microsoft DirectInput | |
dinput.dll | Microsoft DirectInput | | | Disk Comparison Utility | | | Disk Copy Utility | |
diskcopy.dll | Windows DiskCopy | |
diskmgmt.msc | | |
diskpart.exe | Datenträgerpartionierungsanwendung | |
diskperf.exe | Konfigurationsprogramm für Datenträgerleistung | |
dispex.dll | Microsoft (r) DispEx | |
dllhost.exe | COM Surrogate | |
dllhst3g.exe | COM Surrogate | |
dmadmin.exe | LDM-Dienst (Logical Disk Manager) | |
dmband.dll | Microsoft DirectMusic Band | |
dmcompos.dll | Microsoft DirectMusic Composer | |
dmconfig.dll | Logical Disk Manager Configuration Library | |
dmdlgs.dll | Disk Management Snap-in Dialogs | |
dmdskmgr.dll | Disk Management Snap-in Support Library | |
dmdskres.dll | Ressourcen des Datenträgerverwaltungs-Snap-Ins | |
dmime.dll | Microsoft DirectMusic Interactive Engine | |
dmintf.dll | Disk Management DCOM Interface Stub | |
dmloader.dll | Microsoft DirectMusic Loader | |
dmocx.dll | Strukturansicht-OCX | |
dmremote.exe | Logical Disk Manager component | |
dmscript.dll | Microsoft DirectMusic Scripting | |
dmserver.dll | LDM-Dienst-DLL (Logical Disk Manager) | |
dmstyle.dll | Microsoft DirectMusic Style Engline | |
dmsynth.dll | Microsoft DirectMusic Software Synthesizer | |
dmusic.dll | Microsoft DirectMusic-Kerndienste | |
dmutil.dll | Dienstprogrammbibliothek für Verwaltung logischer Datenträger | |
dmview.ocx | Disk Management Snap-in | |
dnsapi.dll | DNS Client API DLL | |
dnsrslvr.dll | DNS-Cacheauflösungsdienst | |
docprop2.dll | Microsoft DocProp-Shellerweiterung | |
docprop.dll | OLE-Eigenschaftenseite für Dokumente | |
doskey.exe | Keyboard History Utility | |
dosx.exe | | |
dpcdll.dll | Dpcdll Module | |
dplay.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay | |
dplaysvr.exe | Microsoft DirectPlay Helper | |
dplayx.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay | |
dpmodemx.dll | Modem- und serielle Verbindung für DirectPlay | |
dpnaddr.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay8 Address | |
dpnet.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay | |
dpnhpast.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper PAST | |
dpnhupnp.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper UPnP | |
dpnlobby.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay8 Lobby | |
dpnmodem.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay8-Modemanbieter | |
dpnsvr.exe | Microsoft DirectPlay8-Server | |
dpnwsock.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay8-Winsock-Anbieter | |
dpserial.dll | Dienstanbieter für Microsoft DirectPlay-Modem | |
dpvacm.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay Voice ACM-Anbieter | |
dpvoice.dll | Microsoft DirectPlayVoice | |
dpvsetup.exe | Microsoft DirectPlay Voice Test | |
dpvvox.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay Voice Voxware-Anbieter | |
dpwsock.dll | Microsoft DirectPlay Local Net Service Provider | |
dpwsockx.dll | Internet TCP/IP- und IPX-Verbindung für DirectPlay | |
driverquery.exe | Treiberabfrage | |
drmclien.dll | DRM Client Dll | |
drmstor.dll | Windows Multimedia Services DRM Store | |
drmv2clt.dll | Rights Manager Object | |
drprov.dll | Microsoft Terminal Server Network Provider | |
drwatson.exe | Windows-Fehlererkennungsprogramm | |
drwtsn32.exe | DrWatson Postmortem-Debugger | |
ds16gt.dLL | Microsoft ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk | |
ds32gt.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk | |
dsauth.dll | DS Authorization for Services | |
dsdmo.dll | DirectSound Effects | |
dsdmoprp.dll | Eigenschaftenseite für DirectSound-Effekte | |
dskquota.dll | DLL für Windows Shell-Plattenkontingente | |
dskquoui.dll | Windows Shell-Datenträgerkontingent-UI-DLL | |
dsound3d.dll | DirectSound3D LUT | |
dsound.dll | DirectSound | |
dsound.vxd | | |
dsprop.dll | Windows Active Directory-Eigenschaftsseiten | |
dsquery.dll | Verzeichnisdienstsuche | |
dssec.dat | | |
dssec.dll | Sicherheitsbenutzeroberfläche des Verzeichnisdienstes | |
dssenh.dll | Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider | |
dsuiext.dll | Gemeinsame Benutzeroberfläche des Verzeichnisdienstes | |
dswave.dll | Microsoft DirectMusic Wave | |
dumprep.exe | Windows Error Reporting Dump Reporting Tool | |
duser.dll | Windows DirectUser Engine | |
dvdplay.exe | MFC-Platzhalteranwendung | |
dvdupgrd.exe | DVD-Upgrade | |
dwwin.exe | Microsoft Application Error Reporting | |
dx3j.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Java | |
dx7vb.dll | Microsoft DirectX für Visual Basic | |
dx8vb.dll | Microsoft DirectX für Visual Basic | |
dxdiag.exe | DxDiag | |
dxmasf.dll | Windows Media-Quellfilter | |
dxmrtp.dll | Microsoft TAPI Audio, Video and RTP Filters | |
dxtmsft.dll | DirectX Media -- Image DirectX Transforms | |
dxtrans.dll | DirectX Media -- DirectX Transform Core | | | | |
edit.hlp | | |
edlin.exe | | |
efsadu.dll | Dateiverschlüsselung-Dienstprogramm | |
ega.cpi | | |
els.dll | Ereignisanzeige-Snap-In | |
emptyregdb.dat | | |
EqnClass.Dll | Equinox-Mehrfachanschluss-Coinstaller (seriell) | |
ersvc.dll | Windows Error Reporting Service | |
es.dll | | |
esent97.dll | Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Server-Datenbankspeichermodul | |
esent.dll | Server-Datenbankspeichermodul | |
esentprf.dll | Server Database Storage Performance Library | |
esentprf.hxx | | |
esentprf.ini | | |
esentutl.exe | Server Database Storage Utilities | |
eudcedit.exe | Editor für benutzerdefinierte Zeichen | |
eula.txt | | |
eventcls.dll | Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service event class | |
eventcreate.exe | Ereigniserstellung | |
eventlog.dll | Ereignisprotokolldienst | |
eventquery.vbs | | |
eventtriggers.exe | Ereignisauslöser | |
eventvwr.exe | Startprogramm für Ereignisanzeige-Snap-In | |
eventvwr.msc | | |
exe2bin.exe | | |
expand.exe | LZ-Expandierungsprogramm | |
expsrv.dll | Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service | |
exstrace.dll | Async Trace DLL | |
extrac32.exe | Microsoft® CAB-Dekomprimierungsprogramm | |
exts.dll | Debugger Extensions | |
fastopen.exe | | |
faultrep.dll | Windows-Fehlerberichterstattung | |
fc.exe | DOS 5 File Compare Utility | |
fcachdll.dll | FCACHDLL | |
fde.dll | Ordnerumleitungs-Snap-In-Erweiterung | |
fdeploy.dll | Ordnerumleitungs-Winlogon-Erweiterung | |
feclient.dll | Windows NT File Encryption Client Interfaces | |
filemgmt.dll | Dienste und freigegebene Ordner | |
find.exe | Find String (grep) Utility | |
findstr.exe | Dienstprogramm 'Find String' (QGREP) | |
finger.exe | TCP/IP-Befehl Finger | |
fixmapi.exe | FIXMAPI 1.0 MAPI Repair Tool | |
fldrclnr.dll | Desktopbereinigungs-Assistent | |
FLXGDDE.DLL | MSFlexGrid | |
FM20.DLL | Microsoft® Forms DLL | |
FM20DEU.DLL | Microsoft® Forms, Internationale DLL | |
fmifs.dll | FM IFS Utility DLL | |
fontext.dll | Windows Schriftarten-Ordner | |
fontsub.dll | Font Subsetting DLL | |
fontview.exe | Windows Font-Viewer | |
forcedos.exe | Force DOS-Programm | | | Disk Format Utility | |
FPWPP.DLL | Microsoft FrontPage WebPost Provider DLL | |
framebuf.dll | Framebuffer Display Driver | |
freecell.exe | Spiel "FreeCell" | |
fsmgmt.msc | | |
fsusd.dll | Dateisystem-Kamera-DLL | |
fsutil.exe | fsutil.exe | |
ftp.exe | Programm zur Dateiübertragung | |
ftpctrs2.dll | Leistungsindikatoren für FTP-Dienst | |
ftpctrs.h | | |
ftpctrs.ini | | |
ftpsapi2.dll | FTP Service Client API Stubs | |
ftsrch.dll | Microsoft(R) Volltextsuche | | | Intel G711 CODEC | |
gb2312.uce | | |
gcdef.dll | Gamecontroller-Standardseiten | |
gdi32.dll | GDI Client DLL | |
gdi.exe | Windows Graphics Device Interface core component | |
geo.nls | | |
getmac.exe | MAC-Adresse abrufen | |
getuname.dll | Unicodenamen-Dll für UCE | |
glmf32.dll | OpenGL Metafiling DLL | |
glu32.dll | OpenGL Utility Library DLL | |
gpedit.dll | GPEdit | |
gpedit.msc | | |
gpkcsp.dll | Gemplus Cryptographic Service Provider | |
gpkrsrc.dll | Ressourcen für Gemplus-Kryptografiedienstanbieter | |
gpresult.exe | RSOP-Datenabfrage | |
gptext.dll | GPTExt | |
gpupdate.exe | Microsoft® Grupppenrichtlinien-Aktualisierungsprogramm | | | Graftabl-Programm | | | | | | | |
grpconv.exe | Konvertierung für Windows-Programmgruppen | |
h323.tsp | Microsoft H.323-Tefefoniedienstanbieter | |
h323log.txt | | |
h323msp.dll | Microsoft-H.323-Mediendienstanbieter | |
hal.dll | Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL | |
hdwwiz.cpl | Systemsteuerungssymbol Hardware | |
help.exe | Hilfeprogramm zur Befehlseingabe | |
hhctrl.ocx | Microsoft® HTML Help Control | |
hhsetup.dll | Microsoft® HTML Help | |
hid.dll | Hid User Library | |
hidphone.tsp | Microsoft HID-Telefon-TSP | |
himem.sys | | |
hlink.dll | Microsoft Hyperlink Library | |
HLP95EN.DLL | Microsoft Office WinHelp Utility DLL | |
hnetcfg.dll | Heimnetzwerkkonfigurations-Manager | |
hnetmon.dll | Heimnetzwerküberwachungs-DLL | |
hnetwiz.dll | Netzwerkinstallations-Assistent | |
Homepage.inf | | |
hostname.exe | Hostnamen-APP | |
hotplug.dll | Symbol für die sichere Hardwareentfernung | |
hticons.dll | HyperTerminal Applet Library | |
HTMUTIL.DLL | HTML-Programme für Microsoft (R) Visual Studio | |
htui.dll | Allgemeine Dialogfelder für die Farbanpassung für Rasterbilder | |
hypertrm.dll | HyperTerminal-Bibliothek | | | Indeo® audio software | |
iasacct.dll | IAS-Kontoführungsanbieter | |
iasads.dll | Active Directory-Datenspeicher für IAS | |
iashlpr.dll | IAS-Ersatzkomponenten | |
iasnap.dll | IAS NAP Provider | |
iaspolcy.dll | IAS Pipeline | |
iasrad.dll | IAS RADIUS-Protokollkomponente | |
iasrecst.dll | IAS Jet Database Access | |
iassam.dll | IAS NT SAM Provider | |
iassdo.dll | IAS SDO-Komponente | |
iassvcs.dll | IAS-Dienstekomponente | |
icaapi.dll | DLL Interface to TermDD Device Driver | |
iccvid.dll | Cinepak® Codec | |
icfgnt5.dll | Internet Connection Wizard | |
icm32.dll | Farbverwaltungsmodul | |
icmp.dll | ICMP DLL | |
icmui.dll | DLL der Benutzeroberfläche für Microsoft Color Matching | |
icwdial.dll | Wählhilfe-Assistent für den Internetzugang | |
icwphbk.dll | Assistent für den Internetzugang | |
ideograf.uce | | |
idq.dll | Indexdienste-ISAPI-Erweiterung | |
ie4uinit.exe | IE 5.0 Per-User Install Utility | |
ieakeng.dll | Internet Explorer Administration Kit Engine Library | |
ieaksie.dll | Internet Explorer Snap-In Erweiterung für Gruppenrichtlinien | |
ieakui.dll | Microsoft IEAK Shared UI DLL | |
iedkcs32.dll | Microsoft Internet Explorer-Anpassungs-DLL | |
iepeers.dll | Internet Explorer Peer-Objekte | |
iernonce.dll | Erweiterte RunOnce-Ausführung mit UI | |
iesetup.dll | IOD Version Map | |
ieuinit.inf | | |
iexpress.exe | Wizard | |
ifmon.dll | IF-Monitor-DLL | |
ifsutil.dll | IFS Utility DLL | |
igmpagnt.dll | Microsoft IGMP subagent | |
iisext.dll | ADs IIS Extension DLL | |
iismap.dll | Microsoft IIS-Zuordnungsprogramm | |
iismui.dll | Utility | |
iisreset.exe | Befehlszeilendienstprogramm zur Steuerung von IIS | |
iisrstap.dll | IIS Restart API Proxy dll | |
iisRtl.dll | IIS RunTime Library | |
iissuba.dll | Microsoft IIS sub-authentication handler | |
ils.dll | User Location Services Component Module | |
imaadp32.acm | IMA ADPCM CODEC für MSACM | |
ImageDrive.cpl | Nero ImageDrive | |
imagehlp.dll | Windows NT Image Helper | |
imagr5.dll | ImagXpress Image Processing DLL | |
imagx5.dll | ImagXpress Image Processing DLL | |
ImagXpr5.dll | ImagXpress v5.0 | |
imapi.exe | IMAPI-Modul | |
imeshare.dll | Microsoft Office IME Shared property library. | |
imgutil.dll | IE plugin image decoder support DLL | |
imm32.dll | Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL | |
inetcfg.dll | Bibliothek des Assistenten für den Internetzugang | |
inetcomm.dll | Microsoft Internet Messaging API | |
inetcpl.cpl | Internetsystemsteuerung | |
inetcplc.dll | Internetsystemsteuerung | |
INETDE.DLL | Microsoft InternetTransfer-Steuerelement-DLL | |
inetmib1.dll | Microsoft MIB-II subagent | |
inetpp.dll | Internetdruckanbieter-DLL | |
inetppui.dll | Internetdruckclient-DLL | |
inetres.dll | Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources | |
inetsloc.dll | Internet Service Location protocol library | |
infoadmn.dll | Internet Info Server Admin Client API Stubs | |
infoctrs.dll | Allgemeine Leistungsindikatoren für Internet-Informationsdienste | |
infoctrs.h | | |
infoctrs.ini | | |
infosoft.dll | Wordbreaker and stemmer dll | |
initpki.dll | Installation und Setup für Microsoft Trust | |
input.dll | Texteingaben-DLL | |
inseng.dll | Install engine | |
instcat.sql | | |
intl.cpl | Systemsteuerungs-DLL | |
iologmsg.dll | E/A-Protokollierungs-DLL | |
ipconf.tsp | Microsoft Multicastkonferenz-TAPI-Dienstanbieter | |
ipconfig.exe | IP-Konfigurationsprogramm | |
iphlpapi.dll | IP-Hilfs-API | |
ipmontr.dll | IP-Routermonitor-DLL | |
ipnathlp.dll | Microsoft NAT-Hilfskomponenten | |
ippromon.dll | IP-Protokoll-Monitor-DLL | |
iprop.dll | OLE PropertySet Implementation | |
iprtprio.dll | IP Routing Protocol Priority DLL | |
iprtrmgr.dll | IP-Routerverwaltung | |
ipsec6.exe | IPv6-Sicherheitskonfigurationsprogramm | |
ipsecsnp.dll | IP-Sicherheitsrichtlinienverwaltungs-Snap-In für Microsoft Windows 2000 | |
ipsecsvc.dll | Windows IPSec-SPD-Server-DLL | |
ipsmsnap.dll | IP-Routingverwaltungs-Snap-In | |
ipv6.exe | IPv6-Konfigurationsprogramm | |
ipv6mon.dll | IF-Monitor-DLL | |
ipxmontr.dll | IPX-Routermonitor-DLL | |
ipxpromn.dll | IPX-Routermonitor-DLL | |
ipxrip.dll | IPX RIP | |
ipxroute.exe | NWLink Source Routing | |
ipxrtmgr.dll | IPX ROUTER MANAGER | |
ipxsap.dll | SAP Agent DLL | |
ipxwan.dll | IPXWAN | |
ir32_32.dll | | | | Intel Indeo® Video 4.5 | |
ir41_qc.dll | Intel Indeo® Video Interactive Quick Compressor | |
ir41_qcx.dll | Intel Indeo® Video Interactive Quick Compressor | |
ir50_32.dll | Intel Indeo® video 5.10 | |
ir50_qc.dll | Intel Indeo® video 5.10 Quick Compressor | |
ir50_qcx.dll | Intel Indeo® video 5.10 Quick Compressor | |
irclass.dll | Infrarotklassen-Coinstaller | |
isign32.dll | Internetanmeldung | |
isrdbg32.dll | ISR Debug 32-bit Engine | |
itircl.dll | Microsoft® InfoTech IR Local DLL | |
itss.dll | Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library | |
iuctl.dll | Windows Update Client Control | |
iuengine.dll | Windows Update Control Engine | | | Intel Indeo® video IVF Source Filter 5.10 | |
ixsso.dll | Indexdienst serverseitiges Objekt | |
iyuv_32.dll | Intel Indeo(R) Video YUV Codec | |
javacypt.dll | MS Java Crypt Dll | |
javaee.dll | Microsoft® ActiveX Debugger Expression Evaluator for Java | |
javaperm.hlp | | |
javaprxy.dll | Microsoft® Interface Proxy for Java | |
javart.dll | Microsoft® Runtime Library for Java | |
javasec.hlp | | |
javasup.vxd | | |
jdbgmgr.exe | Microsoft® Debugger Registrar for Java | |
jet500.dll | JET Engine DLL | |
jgaw400.dll | JG Audio Interface DLL | |
jgdw400.dll | JG ART DLL | |
jgmd400.dll | JG MIDI Player DLL | |
jgpl400.dll | JG ART Player DLL | |
jgsd400.dll | JG ART DLL | |
jgsh400.dll | JG Slide Show Player DLL | |
jit.dll | Microsoft® Just-in-Time Compiler for Java | |
jobexec.dll | Active Setup Job Executer | |
joy.cpl | Game Controllers Control Panel Applet | |
jscript.dll | Microsoft (r) JScript | |
jsde.dll | Microsoft (r) JScript, Internationale Ressourcen | |
jsproxy.dll | JScript Proxy Auto-Configuration | |
jview.exe | Microsoft® Java Befehlszeilen-Interpreter | |
kanji_1.uce | | |
kanji_2.uce | | | | | |
KBDAL.DLL | Albania Keyboard Layout | |
kbdaze.dll | Azerbaijan_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout | |
kbdazel.dll | Azeri-Latin Keyboard Layout | |
kbdbe.dll | Belgian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdbene.dll | Belgian Dutch Keyboard Layout | |
kbdblr.dll | Belarusian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdbr.dll | Brazilian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdbu.dll | Bulgarian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdca.dll | Canadian Multilingual Keyboard Layout | |
kbdcan.dll | Canadian National Standard Keyboard Layout | |
kbdcr.dll | Croatian/Slovenian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdcz1.dll | Czech_101 Keyboard Layout | |
kbdcz2.dll | Czech_Programmer's Keyboard Layout | |
kbdcz.dll | Czech Keyboard Layout | |
kbdda.dll | Danish Keyboard Layout | |
kbddv.dll | Dvorak US English Keyboard Layout | |
kbdes.dll | Spanish Alernate Keyboard Layout | |
kbdest.dll | Estonia Keyboard Layout | |
kbdfc.dll | Canadian French Keyboard Layout | |
kbdfi.dll | Finnish Keyboard Layout | |
kbdfo.dll | Færoese Keyboard Layout | |
kbdfr.dll | French Keyboard Layout | |
kbdgae.dll | Gaelic Keyboard Layout | |
kbdgkl.dll | Greek_Latin Keyboard Layout | |
kbdgr1.dll | German_IBM Keyboard Layout | |
kbdgr.dll | German Keyboard Layout | |
kbdhe220.dll | Greek IBM 220 Keyboard Layout | |
kbdhe319.dll | Greek IBM 319 Keyboard Layout | |
kbdhe.dll | Greek Keyboard Layout | |
kbdhela2.dll | Greek IBM 220 Latin Keyboard Layout | |
kbdhela3.dll | Greek IBM 319 Latin Keyboard Layout | |
kbdhept.dll | Greek_Polytonic Keyboard Layout | |
kbdhu1.dll | Hungarian 101-key Keyboard Layout | |
kbdhu.dll | Hungarian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdic.dll | Icelandic Keyboard Layout | |
kbdir.dll | Irish Keyboard Layout | |
kbdit142.dll | Italian 142 Keyboard Layout | |
kbdit.dll | Italian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdkaz.dll | Kazak_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout | |
kbdkyr.dll | Kyrgyz Keyboard Layout | |
kbdla.dll | Latin-American Spanish Keyboard Layout | |
kbdlt1.dll | Lithuanian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdlt.dll | Lithuania Keyboard Layout | |
kbdlv1.dll | Latvia-QWERTY Keyboard Layout | |
kbdlv.dll | Latvia Keyboard Layout | |
kbdmac.dll | FYROMacedonian_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout | |
kbdmon.dll | Mongolian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdne.dll | Dutch Keyboard Layout | |
kbdnec.dll | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800) | |
kbdno.dll | Norwegian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdpl1.dll | Polish Programmer's Keyboard Layout | |
kbdpl.dll | Polish Keyboard Layout | |
kbdpo.dll | Portuguese Keyboard Layout | |
kbdro.dll | Romanian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdru1.dll | Russia(Typewriter) Keyboard Layout | |
kbdru.dll | Russian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdsf.dll | Swiss French Keyboard Layout | |
kbdsg.dll | Swiss German Keyboard Layout | |
kbdsl1.dll | Slovak(QWERTY) Keyboard Layout | |
kbdsl.dll | Slovak Keyboard Layout | |
kbdsp.dll | Spanish Keyboard Layout | |
kbdsw.dll | Swedish Keyboard Layout | |
kbdtat.dll | Tatar_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout | |
kbdtuf.dll | Turkish F Keyboard Layout | |
kbdtuq.dll | Turkish Q Keyboard Layout | |
kbduk.dll | United Kingdom Keyboard Layout | |
kbdur.dll | Ukrainian Keyboard Layout | |
kbdus.dll | United States Keyboard Layout | |
kbdusl.dll | Dvorak Left-Hand US English Keyboard Layout | |
kbdusr.dll | Dvorak Right-Hand US English Keyboard Layout | |
kbdusx.dll | US Multinational Keyboard Layout | |
kbduzb.dll | Uzbek_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout | |
kbdycc.dll | Serbian_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout | |
kbdycl.dll | Serbian_Latin Keyboard Layout | |
kd1394.dll | Kernel Debugger IEEE 1394 HW Extension DLL | |
kdcom.dll | Kernel Debugger HW Extension DLL | |
kerberos.dll | Kerberos Security Package | |
kernel32.dll | Client-DLL für Windows NT-Basis-API | |
key01.sys | | |
keyboard.drv | WOW Keyboard Driver Module | |
keyboard.sys | | |
keymgr.dll | Gespeicherte Benutzernamen und Kennwörter | |
keystone.exe | NVIDIA nView Control Panel, Version 110.14 | |
kmddsp.tsp | TAPI-Kernelmodus-Dienstanbieter | |
korean.uce | | |
krnl386.exe | Windows Kernel | | | WDM Streaming ActiveMovie Proxy | |
ksuser.dll | User CSA Library | |
l3codeca.acm | MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM | | | MPEG Layer-3 Audio Decoder | |
l_except.nls | | |
l_intl.nls | | |
label.exe | Disk Label Utility | |
langwrbk.dll | English wordbreaker | |
lanman.drv | Microsoft LAN Manager 2.1 Netzwerktreiber für Microsoft Windows | |
laprxy.dll | Windows Media Logagent Proxy | |
licdll.dll | LICDLL-Modul | |
licmgr10.dll | ActiveX License Manager | |
licwmi.dll | Windows Product Activation Configuration WMI provider | |
lights.exe | Modemmonitor | |
linkinfo.dll | Windows Volume Tracking | |
lmhsvc.dll | TCPIP NetBios Transport Services DLL | |
lmrt.dll | Liquid Motion Runtime Control | |
lnkstub.exe | Win95-WinNT-Migrations-DLL (Win95) | | | | |
loadperf.dll | Lade- und Entlademodul für Leistungsindikatoren | |
locale.nls | | |
localsec.dll | MMC-Snap-In Lokale Benutzer und Gruppen | |
localspl.dll | Lokale Spooler-DLL | |
localui.dll | Benutzeroberflächen-DLL für lokalen Monitor | |
locator.exe | Rpc Locator | |
lodctr.exe | Load PerfMon Counters | |
logagent.exe | Windows Media Player Logagent | |
loghours.dll | Zeitplandialog | |
login.cmd | | |
logman.exe | Leistungsprotokollierungsprogramm | |
logoff.exe | Dienstprogramm zum Abmelden von Sitzungen | |
logon.scr | Anmeldebildschirmschoner | |
logonui.exe | Windows-Anmeldebenutzeroberfläche | |
logonui.exe.manifest | | |
lpk.dll | Language Pack | |
lpq.exe | TCP/IP-Befehl LPQ | |
lpr.exe | TCP/IP-Befehl LPR | |
lprhelp.dll | LPR Print Monitor | |
lprmonui.dll | Benutzeroberfläche des LPR-Druckmonitors | |
lsasrv.dll | LSA-Server-DLL | |
lsass.exe | LSA Shell (Export Version) | |
lusrmgr.msc | | |
lz32.dll | LZ Expand/Compress API DLL | |
lzexpand.dll | Windows file expansion library | |
mag_hook.dll | Microsoft Magnifier hook library file | |
magnify.exe | Microsoft Bildschirmlupe | |
main.cpl | Systemsteuerungs-DLL | |
makecab.exe | Microsoft® Cabinet Maker | |
mapi32.dll | Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT | |
MAPI.DLL | Extended MAPI 1.0 für Windows 3.x | |
MAPISRVR.EXE | Extended MAPI 1.0 für Windows 95 | |
mapistub.dll | Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT | |
mcastmib.dll | Microsoft Multicast subagent | |
mcd32.dll | OpenGL MCD Client DLL | |
mcdsrv32.dll | MCD Server | |
mchgrcoi.dll | Medium Changer CoInstaller | |
MCI32.DEP | | |
MCI32.OCX | MCI OLE Control DLL | |
MCI.SRG | | |
mciavi32.dll | Video für Windows MCI-Treiber | |
mciavi.drv | MCI-Treiber für AVI | |
mcicda.dll | MCI-Treiber für Audio-CD-Geräte | |
MCIDE.DLL | MCI OLE-Steuerelement-DLL | |
mciole16.dll | MCIOLE16 - OLE Handler DLL for MCI Objects | |
mciole32.dll | MCI OLE DLL | |
mciqtz32.dll | DirectShow MCI-Treiber | |
mciseq.dll | MCI-Treiber für MIDI-Sequenzer | |
mciseq.drv | MCI-Treiber für MIDI-Sequenzer | |
mciwave.dll | MCI-Treiber für Waveformaudio | |
mciwave.drv | MCI-Treiber für Waveformaudio | |
mdhcp.dll | Microsoft-MDHCP-Client-COM-Schnittstelle | |
mdminst.dll | Modemklasseninstallation | |
MDT2FW95.DLL | Microsoft Design Tools - W95 Wrappers | |
mdwmdmsp.dll | WMDM Service Provider driver for MDM Drivers | |
mem.exe | | |
mf3216.dll | 32-bit to 16-bit Metafile Conversion DLL | |
mfc40.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version | |
mfc40loc.dll | MFC Language Specific Resources | |
mfc40u.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version | |
mfc42.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version | |
MFC42.MAP | | |
MFC42.PDB | | |
MFC42D.DLL | MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version | |
MFC42D.MAP | | |
MFC42D.PDB | | |
MFC42DEU.DLL | MFC Language Specific Resources | |
mfc42loc.dll | MFC Language Specific Resources | |
mfc42u.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version | |
MFC42U.MAP | | |
MFC42U.PDB | | |
MFC42UD.DLL | MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version | |
MFC42UD.MAP | | |
MFC42UD.PDB | | |
MFCD42D.DLL | MFCDB Shared Library - Debug Version | |
MFCD42D.MAP | | |
MFCD42D.PDB | | |
MFCD42UD.DLL | MFCDB Shared Library - Debug Version | |
MFCD42UD.MAP | | |
MFCD42UD.PDB | | |
MFCN42D.DLL | MFCNET Shared Library - Debug Version | |
MFCN42D.MAP | | |
MFCN42D.PDB | | |
MFCN42UD.DLL | MFCNET Shared Library - Debug Version | |
MFCN42UD.MAP | | |
MFCN42UD.PDB | | |
MFCO42D.DLL | MFCOLE Shared Library - Debug Version | |
MFCO42D.MAP | | |
MFCO42D.PDB | | |
MFCO42UD.DLL | MFCOLE Shared Library - Debug Version | |
MFCO42UD.MAP | | |
MFCO42UD.PDB | | |
mfcsubs.dll | | |
mgmtapi.dll | Microsoft SNMP Manager API (uses WinSNMP) | |
mib.bin | | |
midimap.dll | Microsoft MIDI-Mapper | |
miglibnt.dll | NT migration dll support | |
migpwd.exe | Win95-WinNT-Migrations-DLL (Win95) | |
mimefilt.dll | Microsoft (R) IMimeFilter Persistent Handler DLL | |
mindex.dll | Microsoft Media Index | |
mlang.dat | | |
mlang.dll | Multi Language Support DLL | |
mll_hp.dll | HP Media Label Library | |
mll_mtf.dll | MTF (Microsoft Tape Format) Media Label Library | |
mll_qic.dll | QIC113 Media Label Library | |
mmc.exe | Microsoft Management Console | |
mmcbase.dll | MMC-Basis-DLL | |
mmcndmgr.dll | MMC-Knotenverwaltungs-DLL | |
mmcshext.dll | MMC Shell Extension DLL | |
mmdriver.inf | | |
mmdrv.dll | MultiMedia Kernel support Driver | |
mmfutil.dll | WMI-Snap-Ins-Hilfsprogramm | |
mmsys.cpl | Treiber-Systemsteuerungsoption | |
mmsystem.dll | System APIs für Multimedia | |
mmtask.tsk | Multimedia background task support module | |
mmutilse.dll | Microsoft Multimedia Controls Utilities | |
mnmdd.dll | Application Sharing Display Driver | |
mnmsrvc.exe | NetMeeting-Remotedesktop-Freigabe | |
mobsync.dll | Microsoft Synchronisationsverwaltung | |
mobsync.exe | Microsoft Synchronisationsverwaltung | | | DOS Device MODE Utility | |
modemui.dll | Windows Modemeigenschaften | |
modex.dll | ModeX Display Driver | | | More Utility | |
moricons.dll | Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library | |
mountvol.exe | Volume-Bereitstellungsprogramm | |
mouse.drv | WOW MOUSE Driver Module | | | DirectShow MPEG-2 Splitter. | |
mpg4dmod.dll | Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder DMO | | | Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Decompressor | |
mplay32.exe | Media Player | |
mpnotify.exe | Windows NT Multiple Provider Notification Application | |
mpr.dll | Router-DLL für Mehrfachanbieter | |
mprapi.dll | Windows NT MP Router Administration DLL | |
mprddm.dll | Aufsicht für "Wählen bei Bedarf"-Manager | |
mprdim.dll | Dynamic Interface Manager | |
mprmsg.dll | Meldungs-DLL des Multiprotokollrouterdienstes | |
mprui.dll | Mehrere Anbieter | |
mqad.dll | Windows NT MQ Client AD Access | |
mqbkup.exe | Windows NT, MSMQ messages Backup/Restore Utility | |
mqcertui.dll | Windows NT Certificate Dialogs | |
mqdscli.dll | Windows NT MQ Client Directory Service | |
mqgentr.dll | MSMQ Trigger Generic Object | |
mqise.dll | MSMQ ISAPI EXTENSION | |
mqlogmgr.dll | MS DTC log manager DLL | |
mqoa10.tlb | Message Queuing 1.0 Type Library | |
mqoa20.tlb | Message Queuing 2.0 Type Library | |
mqoa.dll | Message Queuing ActiveX Interface | |
mqoa.tlb | Message Queuing Type Library | |
mqperf.dll | Windows NT MQ Performance Coutners | |
mqperf.ini | | |
mqprfsym.h | | |
mqqm.dll | Windows NT MQ Queue Manager | |
mqrt.dll | Windows NT MQ Run time DLL | |
mqrtdep.dll | Message Queueing Dependent Client | |
mqsec.dll | Windows NT, MSMQ 2.0 Security | |
mqsnap.dll | Windows NT MSMQ Admin | |
mqsvc.exe | Message Queuing Service | |
mqtgsvc.exe | Windows NT MSMQ Trigger Service | |
mqtrig.dll | MSMQ Trigger Object Module | |
mqupgrd.dll | MSMQ Upgrade | |
mqutil.dll | Windows NT MQ Dienstprogramm-DLL | |
mrinfo.exe | Multicastinformationen | |
msaatext.dll | Active Accessibility text support | |
msacm32.dll | Microsoft ACM-Audiofilter | |
msacm32.drv | Microsoft Soundmapper | |
msacm.dll | Microsoft Audiokomprimierungs-Manager | | | Windows Media Audio Decoder | |
MSADODC.OCX | Microsoft ADO Data Control | |
msadp32.acm | Microsoft ADPCM CODEC für MSACM | |
msafd.dll | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider | |
msapsspc.dll | DPA-Client für 32-Bit Plattformen | |
msasn1.dll | ASN.1 Runtime APIs | |
msaud32.acm | Windows Media Audio | |
msaudite.dll | DLL für Sicherheitsüberwachungsereignisse | |
msawt.dll | Microsoft AWT Library for Java | |
MSBIND.DLL | Microsoft Data Binding Collection Object DLL | |
MSCAL.OCX | Microsoft Kalender-Steuerelement | |
mscat32.dll | MSCAT32 Forwarder DLL | |
MSCC2DE.DLL | ActiveX-Steuerelement-DLL der Microsoft Standardsteuerelemente 2 | |
mscdexnt.exe | | |
MSCH2DE.DLL | Microsoft ActiveX-Steuerelement Diagramm | |
MSCHRT20.DEP | | |
MSCHRT20.OCX | Microsoft Chart ActiveX Control | |
MSCHRT20.SRG | | |
MSCMCDE.DLL | ActiveX-Steuerelement-DLL der Windows-Standardsteuerelemente | |
mscms.dll | Microsoft Color Matching System DLL | |
MSCOMCT2.OCX | Microsoft Common Controls 2 ActiveX Control DLL | |
MSCOMCTL.OCX | Windows Common Controls ActiveX Control DLL | |
MSCOMM32.DEP | | |
MSCOMM32.OCX | MSComm | |
msconf.dll | NetMeeting-Programmbibliothek | |
mscpx32r.dLL | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Code Page Translator Resources | |
mscpxl32.dLL | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC-Codepage-Konvertierungsprogramm | |
MSCTF.dll | MSCTF-Server-DLL | |
MSCTFP.dll | MSCTFP Server DLL | |
msdart.dll | Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Runtime Routines | |
MSDATREP.OCX | MSDatRep.ocx | |
msdatsrc.tlb | Microsoft Data Access - Data Source Interfaces | |
MSDBRPT.DLL | Microsoft Data Report ActiveX Designer DLL - Version 6.0 | |
MSDBRPTR.DLL | Microsoft Data Report Runtime DLL - Version 6.0 | |
msdmo.dll | DMO Runtime | |
msdtc.exe | MS DTC console program | |
msdtclog.dll | MS DTC log manager DLL | |
msdtcprf.h | | |
msdtcprf.ini | | |
msdtcprx.dll | MS DTC OLE Transactions interface proxy DLL | |
msdtctm.dll | MS DTC transaction manager DLL | |
msdtcuiu.dll | MS DTC administrative component DLL | |
msdvdopt.dll | MSDVDOpt-Modul | |
msdxm.ocx | Windows Media Player 2 ActiveX Control | |
msdxmlc.dll | Windows Media Player | |
msencode.dll | Microsoft Character Encoder | |
MSEXCH35.DLL | Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam | |
msexch40.dll | Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam | |
MSEXCL35.DLL | Microsoft Jet Excel Isam | |
msexcl40.dll | Microsoft Jet Excel Isam | |
msg711.acm | Microsoft CCITT G.711 (A-Law und u-Law) CODEC für MSACM | |
msg723.acm | Microsoft G.723.1 CODEC für MSACM | |
msg.exe | Nachrichtendienstprogramm | |
msgina.dll | Windows-Anmeldungs-GINA-DLL | |
msgsm32.acm | Microsoft GSM 6.10 Audio CODEC für MSACM | |
msgsvc.dll | NT Messenger Service | |
msh261.drv | Microsoft H.261 ICM-Treiber | |
msh263.drv | Microsoft H.263 ICM-Treiber | |
mshearts.exe | Das Microsoft-Netzwerk mit Herz | |
MSHFGDE.DLL | Microsoft Hierarchical FlexGrid-Steuerelement | |
MSHFLXGD.OCX | Microsoft Hierarchical FlexGrid Control | |
mshta.exe | Microsoft (R) HTML Application host | |
mshtml.dll | Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer | |
mshtml.tlb | Microsoft (R) MSHTML Typelib | |
mshtmled.dll | Microsoft (R) HTML Editing Component | |
mshtmler.dll | Microsoft (R) HTML Editing Component's Resource DLL | |
msi.dll | Windows Installer | |
msident.dll | Microsoft Identitäts-Manager | |
msidle.dll | User Idle Monitor | |
msidntld.dll | Microsoft Identitäts-Manager | |
msieftp.dll | Microsoft Internet Explorer FTP-Ordnershellerweiterung | |
msiexec.exe | Windows® installer | |
msihnd.dll | Windows® installer | |
msimg32.dll | GDIEXT Client DLL | |
msimsg.dll | Windows® Installer International Messages | |
MSIMTF.dll | Active IMM Server DLL | |
MSINET.OCX | Microsoft Internet Transfer Control DLL | |
msisam11.dll | Microsoft MSISAM 1.1 | |
msisip.dll | MSI Signature SIP Provider | |
msjava.dll | Microsoft® Virtual Machine for Java | |
msjdbc10.dll | Microsoft JDBC for ODBC | |
MSJET35.DLL | Microsoft Jet Engine Library | |
msjet40.dll | Microsoft Jet Engine Library | |
msjetoledb40.dll | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet | |
MSJINT35.DLL | Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL | |
msjint40.dll | Microsoft Jet-Datenbankmodul - Internationale DLL | |
MSJT4JLT.DLL | Microsoft Jet Engine Library for Jolt | |
MSJTER35.DLL | Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL | |
msjter40.dll | Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL | |
msjtes40.dll | Microsoft Jet Expression Service | |
mslbui.dll | Add In für Eingabegebietsschemaleiste | |
msls31.dll | Microsoft Line Services library file | |
MSLTUS35.DLL | Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam | |
msltus40.dll | Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam | |
MSMAPI32.DEP | | |
MSMAPI32.OCX | MSMAPI Controls | |
MSMASK32.DEP | | |
MSMASK32.OCX | MSMask | |
MSMPIDE.DLL | MSMAPI-Steuerelemente | |
msnetobj.dll | Network Object ActiveX | |
msnsspc.dll | MSN Client for 32 bit platforms | |
msobjs.dll | Überwachungsnamen für Systemobjekte | |
msoeacct.dll | Microsoft Internetkontomanager | |
msoert2.dll | Microsoft Outlook Express RT Lib | |
MSOracle32Readme.txt | | |
msorc32r.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC-Treiber für Oracle-Ressourcen | |
MSORCL32.CNT | | |
msorcl32.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver for Oracle | |
MSORCL32.HLP | | |
mspaint.exe | Paint | |
mspatcha.dll | Microsoft(R) Patch Engine | |
mspbde40.dll | Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam | |
MSPDOX35.DLL | Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam | |
mspmsp.dll | Microsoft Media Device Service Provider | |
mspmspsv.dll | Microsoft-Mediengeräte-Dienstanbieter | |
msports.dll | Anschlussklassen-Installationsprogramm | |
msprivs.dll | Microsoft Privilege Translations | |
MSPRPDE.DLL | msprop32.ocx | |
msr2c.dll | Microsoft® Forms DLL | |
msr2cenu.dll | Microsoft® Forms DLL | |
msratelc.dll | Bibliothekdatei für Internetfilter und Verwaltung lokaler Benutzer | |
msrating.dll | Bibliothekdatei für Internetfilter und Verwaltung lokaler Benutzer | |
msrclr40.dll | Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Library | |
MSRD2X35.DLL | Microsoft (R) Red ISAM | |
msrd2x40.dll | Microsoft (R) Red ISAM | |
msrd3x40.dll | Microsoft (R) Red ISAM | |
MSRDC20.DEP | | |
MSRDC20.SRG | | |
MSRDO20.DEP | | |
MSRDO20.DLL | MSRDO20 rdoEngine control | |
MSRDO20.SRG | | |
msrecr40.dll | Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Resource Library | |
MSREPL35.DLL | Microsoft Replication Library | |
msrepl40.dll | Microsoft Replication Library | |
msrle32.dll | Microsoft RLE-Komprimierung | | | Microsoft Screen Video Decompressor | |
msscp.dll | Windows Media Secure Content Provider | |
MSSCRDE.DLL | Microsoft (r) Skript-Steuerelement, Internationale Ressourcen | |
msscript.ocx | Microsoft (r) Script Control | |
mssign32.dll | Microsoft Vertrauenssignatur-APIs | |
mssip32.dll | MSSIP32 Forwarder DLL | |
MSSTDFMT.DLL | Microsoft Standard Data Formating Object DLL | |
MSSTKPRP.DLL | msprop32.ocx | |
msswch.dll | msswch | |
msswchx.exe | msswchx | |
mstask.dll | Schnittstellen-DLL für Taskplaner | |
MSTEXT35.DLL | Microsoft Jet Text Isam | |
mstext40.dll | Microsoft Jet Text Isam | |
mstime.dll | Microsoft (R) Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions to HTML | |
mstinit.exe | Taskplaner Setup | |
mstlsapi.dll | Microsoft® Terminal Server Licensing | |
mstsc.exe | Remotedesktopverbindung | |
mstscax.dll | Terminal Services ActiveX Client | |
mstvca.dll | MSTvCA (Conditional Access Manager) Module | |
mstvgs.dll | GuideStore Module | |
msuni11.dll | Microsoft Jet Sort Tables | |
msutb.dll | MSUTB-Server-DLL | |
msv1_0.dll | Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 | |
msvbvm50.dll | Visual Basic Virtual Machine | |
msvbvm60.dll | Visual Basic Virtual Machine | |
msvcirt.dll | Windows NT IOStreams DLL | |
MSVCIRTD.DLL | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library | |
msvcp50.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library | |
msvcp60.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library | |
MSVCP60.PDB | | |
MSVCP60D.DLL | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library | |
MSVCP60D.PDB | | |
msvcrt20.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library | |
msvcrt40.dll | Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library Forwarder DLL | |
msvcrt.dll | Windows NT CRT DLL | |
MSVCRTD.DLL | Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library | |
msvfw32.dll | DLL für Microsoft Video für Windows | |
msvidc32.dll | Microsoft Video 1-Komprimierer | |
msvidctl.dll | ActiveX-Steuerung für Streamingvideo | |
msvideo.dll | DLL für Microsoft Video für Windows | |
msw3prt.dll | ISAPI dll für Web Printing | |
mswdat10.dll | Microsoft Jet Sort Tables | |
mswebdvd.dll | MSWebDVD-Modul | |
MSWINSCK.OCX | Microsoft Winsock Control DLL | |
mswmdm.dll | Windows Media Device Manager Core | |
mswsock.dll | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0-Dienstanbieter | |
mswstr10.dll | Sortierbibliothek für Microsoft Jet | |
msxbde40.dll | Microsoft Jet xBASE Isam | |
MSXBSE35.DLL | Microsoft Jet xBase Isam | |
msxml2.dll | XML OM for Win32 | |
msxml2r.dll | XML Resources for Win32 | |
msxml3.dll | XML OM | |
msxml3r.dll | XML Resources | |
msxml4.dll | MSXML 4.0 SP 2 | |
msxml4r.dll | MSXML 4.0 SP1 Resources | |
msxml.dll | XML OM for Win32 | |
msxmlr.dll | XML-Ressourcen für Win32 | |
msyuv.dll | Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor | |
mtxclu.dll | MS DTC amd MTS clustering support DLL | |
mtxdm.dll | | |
mtxex.dll | | |
mtxlegih.dll | | |
mtxoci.dll | Microsoft database support DLL for Oracle | |
mycomput.dll | Computerverwaltung | |
mydocs.dll | Benutzeroberfläche des Verzeichnisses "Eigene Dateien" | |
narrator.exe | Microsoft Sprachausgabe | |
narrhook.dll | Microsoft Sprachausgabentastatur und WinEvent-Haken | |
nbtstat.exe | TCP/IP-NetBIOS-Informationen | |
ncobjapi.dll | | |
ncpa.cpl | Systemsteuerungsstub der Netzwerkverbindungen | |
ncpa.cpl.manifest | | |
ncxpnt.dll | Netork Setup Wizard Support DLL | |
nddeapi.dll | Netzwerk-DDE Share Management-APIs | |
nddeapir.exe | NDDEAPI - Server Side | |
nddenb32.dll | Netzwerk-DDE-NetBIOS-Schnittstelle | |
ndptsp.tsp | NDIS-Proxy-TAPI-Dienstanbieter | |
NeroCheck.exe | NeroCheck | |
net1.exe | Net Command | |
net.exe | Net Command | |
net.hlp | | |
netapi32.dll | Net Win32 API DLL | |
netapi.dll | Microsoft Netzwerk-DLL für Microsoft Windows | |
netcfgx.dll | Netzwerkkonfigurationsobjekte | |
netdde.exe | Netzwerk DDE - DDE-Kommunikation | |
netevent.dll | Netzwerkereignis-Handler | |
neth.dll | DLL der NetHelp-Meldungen | |
netid.dll | Systemsteuerung; Netzwerkkennungsseite | |
netlogon.dll | Net Logon Services DLL | |
netman.dll | Netzwerkverbindungs-Manager | |
netmsg.dll | Net-Nachrichten-DLL | |
netplwiz.dll | Netzlaufwerke zuordnen/Assistent für Netzwerkressourcen | |
netrap.dll | Net Remote Admin Protocol DLL | |
netsetup.exe | Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor | |
netsh.exe | Netzwerkbefehlsshell | |
netshell.dll | Shell für Netzwerkverbindungen | |
netstat.exe | TCP/IP-Netstat-Befehl | |
netui0.dll | NT-LM-Benutzerschnittstellen-Standardcode - GUI-Klassen | |
netui1.dll | NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes | |
netui2.dll | NT LM UI Gemeinsamer Code - GUI-Klassen | |
netware.drv | | |
newdev.dll | Bibliothek für das Hinzufügen von Hardwaregeräten | |
nlhtml.dll | Net Library HTML filter | |
nlsfunc.exe | | |
nmevtmsg.dll | NetMeeting Event Logging DLL | |
nmmkcert.dll | NMMKCERT-Bibliothek | |
noise.chs | | |
noise.cht | | |
noise.dat | | |
noise.deu | | |
noise.eng | | |
noise.enu | | |
noise.esn | | |
noise.fra | | |
noise.ita | | |
noise.nld | | |
noise.sve | | |
noise.tha | | |
notepad.exe | Editor | |
npptools.dll | NPP Tools Helper DLL | |
nscompat.tlb | | |
nslookup.exe | NSLookup-Programm | |
ntbackup.exe | Windows-Sicherungsprogramm | |
ntdll.dll | DLL für NT-Layer | |
ntdos404.sys | | |
ntdos411.sys | | |
ntdos412.sys | | |
ntdos804.sys | | |
ntdos.sys | | |
ntdsapi.dll | NT5DS | |
ntdsbcli.dll | NT5DS | |
ntfsdrct.h | | |
ntfsdrct.ini | | |
ntimage.gif | | |
ntio404.sys | | |
ntio411.sys | | |
ntio412.sys | | |
ntio804.sys | | |
ntio.sys | | |
ntkrnlpa.exe | NT-Kernel und -System | |
ntlanman.dll | Microsoft(R) LAN-Manager | |
ntlanui2.dll | Shellbenutzeroberfläche für das Netzwerkobjekt | |
ntlanui.dll | Lanman Control dll | |
ntlsapi.dll | Microsoft® License Server Interface DLL | |
ntmarta.dll | Windows NT MARTA-Anbieter | |
ntmsapi.dll | Öffentliche Schnittstellen für Wechselmedien | |
ntmsdba.dll | DB-Objekt-APIs für die Wechselmedienverwaltung | |
ntmsevt.dll | Wechselmediendienst-Ereignisprotokoll | |
ntmsmgr.dll | Wechselmediendienst | |
ntmsmgr.msc | | |
ntmsoprq.msc | | |
ntmssvc.dll | Wechselmedien-Manager | |
ntoskrnl.exe | NT-Kernel und -System | |
ntprint.dll | Spooler Setup-DLL | |
ntsd.exe | Symbolic Debugger for Windows 2000 | |
ntsdexts.dll | Symbolic Debugger Extensions | |
ntshrui.dll | Shellerweiterungen für Freigaben | |
ntvdm.exe | NTVDM.EXE | |
ntvdmd.dll | NTVDMD.DLL | |
nusrmgr.cpl | Windows-Benutzer-Manager | |
nv4_disp.dll | NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 81.98 | |
nvapi.dll | | |
nvappbar.exe | NVIDIA nView Toolbar, Version 110.14 | |
nvapps.xml | | |
nvcod.dll | NVIDIA Driver CoInstaller | |
nvcodins.dll | NVIDIA Driver CoInstaller | |
nvcolor.exe | NVIDIA NVIDIA Color Optimizer, Version 81.98 | |
nvcpl.dll | NVIDIA Display Properties Extension | |
nvdisp.nvu | | |
nvdspsch.exe | NVIDIA Display Scheme Menu | |
nvhwvid.dll | | |
nview.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager 110.14 | |
nvmccs.dll | NVIDIA U.S. English language resource library | |
nvmccsrs.dll | NVIDIA Germany language resource library | |
nvmctray.dll | NVIDIA Media Center Library | |
nvnt4cpl.dll | NVIDIA Desktop Explorer, Version 110.14 | |
nvoglnt.dll | NVIDIA Compatible OpenGL ICD | |
nvrsar.dll | NVIDIA Arabic language resource library | |
nvrscs.dll | NVIDIA Czech language resource library | |
nvrsda.dll | NVIDIA Danish language resource library | |
nvrsde.dll | NVIDIA German language resource library | |
nvrsel.dll | NVIDIA Greek language resource library | |
nvrseng.dll | NVIDIA UK English language resource library | |
nvrses.dll | NVIDIA Spanish language resource library | |
nvrsesm.dll | NVIDIA Latin American Spanish language resource library | |
nvrsfi.dll | NVIDIA Finnish language resource library | |
nvrsfr.dll | NVIDIA French language resource library | |
nvrshe.dll | NVIDIA Hebrew language resource library | |
nvrshu.dll | NVIDIA Hungarian language resource library | |
nvrsit.dll | NVIDIA Italian language resource library | |
nvrsja.dll | NVIDIA Japanese language resource library | |
nvrsko.dll | NVIDIA Korean language resource library | |
nvrsnl.dll | NVIDIA Dutch language resource library | |
nvrsno.dll | NVIDIA Norwegian language resource library | |
nvrspl.dll | NVIDIA Polish language resource library | |
nvrspt.dll | NVIDIA Iberian Portuguese language resource library | |
nvrsptb.dll | NVIDIA Portuguese (Brazilian) language resource library | |
nvrsru.dll | NVIDIA Russian language resource library | |
nvrssk.dll | NVIDIA Slovak language resource library | |
nvrssl.dll | NVIDIA Slovenian language resource library | |
nvrssv.dll | NVIDIA Swedish language resource library | |
nvrstr.dll | NVIDIA Turkish language resource library | |
nvrszhc.dll | NVIDIA Simplified Chinese language resource library | |
nvrszht.dll | NVIDIA Chinese (Traditional) language resource library | |
nvshell.dll | NVIDIA Desktop Explorer, Version 110.14 | |
nvsvc32.exe | NVIDIA Driver Helper Service, Version 81.98 | |
nvtuicpl.cpl | NVIDIA nView Control Panel, Version 110.14 | |
nvudisp.exe | NVIDIA Uninstaller Utility | |
NVUNINST.EXE | NVIDIA Uninstaller Utility | |
nvwddi.dll | NVIDIA nView Display Driver Interface Lib, Version 81.98 | |
nvwdmcpl.dll | NVIDIA nView Control Panel, Version 110.14 | |
nvwimg.dll | NVIDIA nView Image Library, Version 110.14 | |
nvwrsar.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrscs.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsda.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsde.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsel.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrseng.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrses.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsesm.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsfi.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsfr.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrshe.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrshu.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsit.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsja.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsko.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsnl.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsno.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrspl.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrspt.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsptb.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrsru.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrssk.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrssl.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrssv.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrstr.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrszhc.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nvwrszht.dll | NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager | |
nw16.exe | | |
nwapi16.dll | NW Windows/Dos API DLL | |
nwapi32.dll | NW Win32 API DLL | |
nwc.cpl | Client Service für NetWare | |
nwc.cpl.manifest | | |
nwcfg.dll | NWC Configuration DLL | |
nwevent.dll | Ereignismeldung en des Client-Service für NetWare | |
nwiz.exe | NVIDIA nView Wizard, Version 110.14 | |
nwprovau.dll | Client Service für NetWare-Dienstanbieter und DLL zur Authentifizierung | |
nwscript.exe | NetWare Anmeldeskriptprogramm | |
nwwks.dll | Client Service for Netware | |
oakley.dll | Oakley-Schlüssel-Manager | |
objsel.dll | Dialogfeld zur Objektauswahl | |
occache.dll | Object Control Viewer | |
ocmanage.dll | Manager für optionale Komponenten | |
odbc16gt.dll | Microsoft ODBC Driver Generic Thunk | |
odbc32.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager | |
odbc32gt.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Generic Thunk | |
odbcad32.exe | Microsoft Data Access - "ODBC Administrator | |
odbcbcp.dll | Microsoft BCP for ODBC | |
odbcconf.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Configuration Program | |
odbcconf.exe | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Configuration Program | |
odbcconf.rsp | | |
odbccp32.cpl | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC-Systemsteuerung | |
odbccp32.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Installer | |
odbccr32.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library | |
odbccu32.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library | |
odbcint.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Ressourcen | |
odbcji32.dll | Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5 | |
odbcjt32.dll | Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5 | |
odbcp32r.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Resources | |
ODBCTL32.DLL | ODBC Helper Function DLL | |
odbctrac.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Trace | |
oddbse32.dll | ODBC (3.0) driver for DBase | |
odexl32.dll | ODBC (3.0) driver for Excel | |
odfox32.dll | ODBC (3.0) driver for FoxPro | |
odpdx32.dll | ODBC (3.0) driver for Paradox | |
odtext32.dll | ODBC (3.0) driver for text files | |
oembios.bin | | |
oembios.dat | | |
oembios.sig | | |
offfilt.dll | OffFilt | |
ole2.dll | OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library | |
ole2disp.dll | OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library | |
ole2nls.dll | OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library | |
ole32.dll | Microsoft OLE für Windows | |
oleacc.dll | Active Accessibility Core Component | |
oleaccrc.dll | Active Accessibility Resource DLL | |
oleaut32.dll | Microsoft OLE 3.50 for Windows NT(TM) and Windows 95(TM) Operating Systems | |
olecli32.dll | OLE-Clientbibliothek | |
olecli.dll | OLE-Clientbibliothek | |
olecnv32.dll | Microsoft OLE for Windows | |
oledlg.dll | Unterstützung für die Microsoft Windows(R) OLE 2.0-Benutzeroberfläche | |
oleprn.dll | Oleprn DLL | |
olepro32.dll | Microsoft (R) OLE Property Support DLL | |
olesvr32.dll | Object Linking and Embedding Server Library | |
olesvr.dll | Object Linking and Embedding Server Library | |
olethk32.dll | Microsoft OLE for Windows | |
openfiles.exe | Geöffnete Dateien | |
opengl32.dll | OpenGL Client DLL | |
osk.exe | Bildschirmtastatur | |
osuninst.dll | Deinstallationsschnittstelle | |
osuninst.exe | Windows-Deinstallationshilfsprogramm | |
packager.exe | Windows Objekt-Manager | |
pagefileconfig.vbs | | |
panmap.dll | PANOSE(tm) Font Mapper | |
paqsp.dll | PaqSP Module | |
pathping.exe | TCP/IP PathPing-Befehl | |
pautoenr.dll | Automatisches Registrierungs-DLL | |
PCCLPDE.DLL | PicClip | |
pcl.sep | | |
pdh.dll | Windows Unterstützungs-DLL für Leistungsdaten | |
pentnt.exe | Pentium Floating Point Divide Error Utility | |
perfc007.dat | | |
perfc009.dat | | |
perfci.h | | |
perfci.ini | | |
perfctrs.dll | Leistungsindikatoren | |
perfd007.dat | | |
perfd009.dat | | |
perfdisk.dll | DLL für Windows-Datenträgerleistungsobjekte | |
perffilt.h | | |
perffilt.ini | | |
perfh007.dat | | |
perfh009.dat | | |
perfi007.dat | | |
perfi009.dat | | |
perfmon.exe | Performance Monitor Command Line Shell | |
perfmon.msc | | |
perfnet.dll | DLL für Leistungsobjekte des Windows-Netzwerkdienstes | |
perfnw.dll | Client Service for Netware Counters | |
perfos.dll | DLL für Windows-Systemleistungsobjekte | |
perfproc.dll | DLL für Windows-Verarbeitungsleistungsobjekte | |
PerfStringBackup.INI | | |
perfts.dll | Windows 2000 Terminal Services Performance Objects | |
perfwci.h | | |
perfwci.ini | | |
photowiz.dll | Fotodruck-Assistent | |
PICCLP32.DEP | | |
PICCLP32.OCX | PicClip | |
picn20.dll | Pegasus Dispatcher for Win32 | |
pid.dll | Microsoft PID | |
pidgen.dll | Pid3.0 generation | |
pifmgr.dll | Windows NT PIF Manager Icon Resources Library | |
ping6.exe | IPv6-Ping-Befehl | |
ping.exe | TCP/IP-Befehl Ping | |
PIPARSE.DLL | WebPost PostInfo Parser-DLL | |
pjlmon.dll | PJL Language monitor | |
plugin.ocx | ActiveX Plugin OCX | |
plustab.dll | Effects Control Panel extension | |
pmspl.dll | Microsoft LAN Manager 2.1 Network Dynamic Link Library for Microsoft Windows | |
pngfilt.dll | IE PNG plugin image decoder | |
polstore.dll | Richtlinienspeicher-DLL | |
POSTWPP.DLL | DLL des Bereitstellungsdienstanbieters für WebPost RFC1867 | |
powercfg.cpl | Systemsteuerungssymbol der Energieverwaltungskonfiguration | |
powrprof.dll | Power Profile Helper DLL | |
prflbmsg.dll | Perflib-Ereignismeldungen | |
print.exe | Print Utility | |
printui.dll | DLL für die Druckerbenutzeroberfläche | |
prncnfg.vbs | | |
prndrvr.vbs | | |
prnjobs.vbs | | |
prnmngr.vbs | | |
prnport.vbs | | |
prnqctl.vbs | | |
proctexe.ocx | Intel Procedural Textures | |
prodspec.ini | | |
profmap.dll | Userenv | |
progman.exe | Programm-Manager | |
proquota.exe | Prokontingent | |
proxycfg.exe | Proxy Config Tool for Windows HTTP Services | |
psapi.dll | Process Status Helper | |
psbase.dll | Standardanbieter für den geschützten Speicher | |
pschdcnt.h | | |
pschdprf.dll | Microsoft® Windows(TM) PSched Performance Monitor | |
pschdprf.ini | | |
pscript.sep | | |
psnppagn.dll | DCOM Proxy for NPPAgent Object | |
pstorec.dll | Protected Storage COM interfaces | |
pstorsvc.dll | Server für den Dienst für den geschützten Speicher | |
pubprn.vbs | | |
qappsrv.exe | Dienstprogramm für die Terminalserverabfrage | |
qasf.dll | DirectShow-ASF-Unterstützung | |
qcap.dll | DirectShow-Laufzeitbibliothek | |
qdv.dll | DirectShow-Laufzeitbibliothek | |
qdvd.dll | Laufzeitbibliothek für DirectShow DVD PlayBack | |
qedit.dll | DirectShow Bearbeiten. | |
qedwipes.dll | DirectShow Editing SMPTE Wipes | |
qmgr.dll | Intelligenter Hintergrundübertragungsdienst | |
qmgrprxy.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy | |
qosname.dll | Microsoft Windows GetQosByName Service Provider | |
qprocess.exe | Dienstprogramm für die Prozessabfrage | |
quartz.dll | DirectShow-Laufzeitbibliothek | |
query.dll | Inhaltsindex Dienstprogramm-DLL | |
qwinsta.exe | Dienstprogramm für die Sitzungsabfrage | |
racpldlg.dll | Microsoft-Remoteunterstützung | |
rasadhlp.dll | Remote Access AutoDial Helper | |
rasapi32.dll | RAS-API | |
rasauto.dll | Remote Access AutoDial Manager | |
rasautou.exe | Remote Access Dialer | |
raschap.dll | Remote Access PPP Challenge/Handshake Authentication Protocol | |
rasctrnm.h | | |
rasctrs.dll | Windows NT-RAS-Leistungsindikatoren | |
rasctrs.ini | | |
rasdial.exe | Clientseitige Eingabeschnittstelle für RAS | |
rasdlg.dll | API für allgemeine RAS-Dialoge | |
rasman.dll | Remote Access Connection Manager | |
rasmans.dll | Remote Access Connection Manager | |
rasmontr.dll | RAS-Monitor-DLL | |
rasmxs.dll | Remote Access Device DLL for modems, PADs and switches | |
rasphone.exe | Adressbuch für den remote Zugriff | |
rasppp.dll | Remote Access PPP | |
rasrad.dll | Remote Access Service NT RADIUS client module | |
rassapi.dll | Remote Access Admin APIs dll | |
rasser.dll | Remote Access Media DLL for COM ports | |
rastapi.dll | Remote Access TAPI Compliance Layer | |
rastls.dll | Remote Access-PPP | |
rcbdyctl.dll | Microsoft-Remoteunterstützung | |
RCHTXDE.DLL | RichTx32.OCX | |
rcimlby.exe | Microsoft-Remoteunterstützung | |
rcp.exe | TCP/IP-Befehl "Remote Copy" | |
rdchost.dll | RDSHost Client Module | |
RDO20DE.DLL | MSRDO20 - RDO-Modul-Steuerelement | |
RDOCURS.DLL | Microsoft RDO Client Cursor DLL | |
rdpcfgex.dll | Terminalserver-Verbindungskonfiguration - Erweiterung für das RDP-Protokoll | |
rdpclip.exe | RDP Clip Monitor | |
rdpdd.dll | RDP Display Driver | |
rdpsnd.dll | Terminalserver- Multimediatreiber | |
rdpwsx.dll | RDP Extension DLL | |
rdsaddin.exe | Microsoft Remote Desktop TSRDP Session Add-In | |
rdshost.exe | RDSHost Server Module | |
recover.exe | Recover Files Utility | |
redir.exe | | |
reg.exe | Konsolenregistrierungsprogramm | |
regapi.dll | Registry Configuration APIs | |
REGCLADM.EXE | Cluster Administrator Extension Registration Program | |
regedt32.exe | Registry Editor Utility | |
regini.exe | Registry Initializer | |
regsvc.dll | Remote Registry Service | |
regsvr32.exe | Microsoft(C) Registerserver | |
regsvr32.ini | | |
regtrace.exe | REGTRACE MFC Application | |
regwiz.exe | RegWizExe | |
regwizc.dll | RegWizCtrl-Modul | |
relog.exe | Programm für die Neuprotokollierung von Leistungsindikatoren | |
remotepg.dll | CPL-Erweiterung für Remotesitzungen | |
remotesp.tsp | Microsoft® Windows(TM) Remote Service Provider | |
rend.dll | Microsoft Rendezvous Control | |
replace.exe | Replace File Utility | |
REPUTIL.DLL | Microsoft Repository Utilities | |
reset.exe | Dienstprogramm zum Zurücksetzen der Terminaldienste | |
resutils.dll | Microsoft Cluster Resource Utility DLL | |
rexec.exe | TCP/IP-Befehl "Remote Exec" | |
riched20.dll | Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0 | |
riched32.dll | Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0 | |
RICHTX32.DEP | | |
RICHTX32.OCX | RichTx32.OCX | |
rnr20.dll | Windows Socket2 NameSpace DLL | |
route.exe | TCP/IP Route Befehl | |
routemon.exe | Routerkonsolemonitor | |
routetab.dll | Microsoft Routing Table DLL | |
rpcns4.dll | Remote Procedure Call Name Service Client | |
rpcrt4.dll | Remote Procedure Call Runtime | |
rpcss.dll | Distributed COM Services | |
rsaci.rat | | |
rsaenh.dll | Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider | |
rsfsaps.dll | FSA Proxy / Stub | |
rsh.exe | TCP/IP-Befehl "Remote Shell" | |
rshx32.dll | Sicherheitserweiterung der Shell | |
rsm.exe | Befehlszeilenschnittstelle für die Wechselmedienverwaltung | |
rsmps.dll | RSM Proxy Stub | |
rsmsink.exe | Wechselmedien-Datensenkenebene | |
rsmui.exe | Wechselmedien-Benutzeroberflächenebene | |
rsnotify.exe | Rückrufbenachrichtigung des Remotespeichers | |
rsop.msc | | |
rsopprov.exe | Richtlinienergebnissatzanwendung | |
rsvp.exe | Microsoft RSVP | |
rsvp.ini | | |
rsvpcnts.h | | |
rsvpmsg.dll | RSVP-Meldungen | |
rsvpperf.dll | Microsoft® Windows(TM) RSVP Performance Monitor | |
rsvpsp.dll | Microsoft Windows Rsvp 1.0 Service Provider | |
rtcdll.dll | RTC-Benutzer-Agent-DLL | |
rtcshare.exe | RTC-Gemeinsame Nutzung von Anwendungen | |
rtipxmib.dll | Microsoft Router IPX MIB subagent | |
rtm.dll | Routing Table Manager | |
rtutils.dll | Routing Utilities | |
runas.exe | Hilfsprogramm "Ausführen als" | |
rundll32.exe | Eine DLL-Datei als Anwendung ausführen | |
runonce.exe | Wrapper für einmaliges Ausführen | |
rwinsta.exe | Dienstprogramm zum Zurücksetzen von Sitzungen | |
rwnh.dll | RWNH | |
safrcdlg.dll | Steuerungen zum Öffnen und Speichern von Dateien der Microsoft PCHealth-Remoteu | |
safrdm.dll | Microsoft-Hilfecenter-Desktop-Manager | |
safrslv.dll | Microsoft Help Center Session Resolver | |
samlib.dll | SAM Library DLL | |
samsrv.dll | SAM Server-DLL | |
sapi.cpl.manifest | | |
savedump.exe | Programm zur Sicherung eines Abbilds | |
sc.exe | A tool to aid in developing services for WindowsNT | |
scarddlg.dll | SCardDlg - Smartcard-Dialog | |
scardssp.dll | Smart Card Base Service Providers | |
scardsvr.exe | Smartcard-Ressourcenverwaltungsserver | |
sccbase.dll | Infineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP | |
sccsccp.dll | Infineon SICRYPT®-Smartcard-Kryptografiedienstanbieter-COM-Objekte | |
scecli.dll | Clientmodul für Windows-Sicherheitskonfigurations-Editor | |
scesrv.dll | Windows-Sicherheitskonfigurations-Editormodul | |
schannel.dll | TLS / SSL Security Provider | |
schedsvc.dll | Taskplaner-Engine | |
schtasks.exe | Geplante Tasks | |
sclgntfy.dll | Benachrichtigungs-DLL für sekundären Anmeldedienst | |
scode.dll | Komponenten für Windows (r) Script Component | |
SCP32.DLL | Code Page Translation Library | |
scredir.dll | Smart Card Redirection for TS | |
scripto.dll | Microsoft ScriptO | |
scriptpw.dll | ScriptPW Module | |
scrnsave.scr | Standardbildschirmschoner | |
scrobj.dll | Windows (r) Script Component Runtime | |
scrrnde.dll | Internationale Ressourcen für Microsoft (r) Script Runtime | |
scrrun.dll | Microsoft (r) Script Runtime | |
sdbinst.exe | Installationsprogramm für AppFix und AppHelp | |
sdpblb.dll | Microsoft Sdpblb | |
secedit.exe | Commandtool für den Windows-Sicherheitskonfigurations-Editor | |
seclogon.dll | DLL für sekundären Anmeldedienst | |
secpol.msc | | |
secur32.dll | Security Support Provider Interface | |
security.dll | Security Support Provider Interface | |
SELFREG.DLL | Self Registration DLL | |
sendcmsg.dll | Konsolenmeldung senden | |
sendmail.dll | E-Mail senden | |
sens.dll | System Event Notification Service (SENS) | |
sensapi.dll | SENS Connectivity API DLL | |
senscfg.dll | SENS Setup/Setup Tool | |
serialui.dll | Register für serielle Anschlüsse | |
servdeps.dll | WMI-Snap-Ins | |
services.exe | Anwendung für Dienste und Controller | |
services.msc | | |
serwvdrv.dll | Unimodem Serieller Wavetreiber | |
sessmgr.exe | Microsoft® Sitzungs-Manager für Remotedesktophilfe | |
sethc.exe | Windows-Kontrastschemaaktivierung | |
setup.bmp | | |
setup.exe | Windows NT Setup Executable | |
setupapi.dll | Windows Setup-API | |
setupdll.dll | Windows 2000 Setup - Dynamischer Link | |
setupwbv.dll | Internet Explorer-Systemsteuerungsprogamm | |
setver.exe | | |
sfc.dll | Windows File Protection | |
sfc.exe | Windows 2000-Systemdatei-Überprüfungsprogramm | |
sfc_os.dll | Windows-Dateischutz | |
sfcfiles.dll | Windows 2000 System File Checker | |
sfmapi.dll | Windows NT Macintosh File Service Client | |
shadow.exe | Dienstprogramm für die Remoteüberwachung von Sitzungen | |
share.exe | | |
shdoclc.dll | Bibliothek für Shell-Dokumente und -Steuerelemente | |
shdocvw.dll | Bibliothek für Shell-Dokumente und -Steuerelemente | |
shell32.dll | Allgemeine Windows-Shell-DLL | |
shell.dll | Windows Shell library | |
shellstyle.dll | Windows Shell Style Resource Dll | |
shfolder.dll | Shell Folder Service | |
shgina.dll | Windows Shell User Logon | |
shiftjis.uce | | |
shimeng.dll | Shim Engine DLL | |
shimgvw.dll | Windows Bild- und Faxanzeige | |
shlwapi.dll | Shell Light-weight Utility Library | |
shmedia.dll | Extrahierungsshellerweiterung der Mediendateieigenschaften | |
shmgrate.exe | Windows NT User Data Migration Tool | |
shrpubw.exe | Assistent für das Erstellen von Freigaben | |
shscrap.dll | Shell-Datenauszughandler | |
shsvcs.dll | Windows-Shelldienste-DLL | |
shutdown.exe | Windows-Remoteherunterfahrprogramm | |
sigtab.dll | Dateiintegritätseinstellungen | |
sigverif.exe | Dateisignaturverifizierung | |
simpdata.tlb | Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Simple Provider Type Library | |
sisbkup.dll | Single-Instance Store Backup Support Functions | |
skdll.dll | Serial Keys | |
skeys.exe | Microsoft® Serial Keys Utility | |
sl_anet.acm | Audio codec for MS ACM | |
slayerxp.dll | Shellerweiterungs-DLL für Registerkarte "Kompatibilität" | |
slbcsp.dll | Schlumberger Smart Card CryptoAPI Library | |
slbiop.dll | Schlumberger Smart Card Interoperability Library v2 | |
slbrccsp.dll | Ressourcendatei für Schlumberger-Smartcard-CryptoAPI | |
smlogcfg.dll | Leistungsprotokolle und Warnungen-Snap-In | |
smlogsvc.exe | Dienst für Leistungsdatenprotokolle und Warnungen | |
smss.exe | Windows NT Session Manager | |
smtpapi.dll | SMTP Service Client API Stubs | |
smtpctrs.dll | Systemleistungs-DLL des SMTP-Dienstes | |
smtpctrs.h | | |
smtpctrs.ini | | |
sndrec32.exe | Zubehör für Audiorecorder | |
sndvol32.exe | Lautstärkeregelung | |
snmpapi.dll | SNMP Utility Library | |
snmpsnap.dll | SNMP-Snap-In | |
snprfdll.dll | Transport Perfmon Counter DLL | |
softpub.dll | Softpub Forwarder DLL | |
sol.exe | Spiel "Solitär" | |
sort.exe | Sortierungshilfsprogramm | |
sortkey.nls | | |
sorttbls.nls | | |
sound.drv | WOW SOUND Driver Module | |
spider.exe | Spider | |
spnike.dll | MDM Device Interface for Nike device. | |
spoolss.dll | Spooler SubSystem DLL | |
spoolsv.exe | Spooler SubSystem App | |
sprestrt.exe | Wiederherstellung der Registrierung für GUI-Setup | |
sprio600.dll | MDM Device Interface for Rio 600 device. | |
sprio800.dll | MDM Device Interface for Rio 800 device. | |
spxcoins.dll | Specialix MPS NT Upgrade CoInstaller | |
sqlsodbc.chm | | |
sqlsrv32.dll | Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver | |
sqlsrv32.rll | Microsoft SQL Server ODBC-Treiber | |
sqlunirl.dll | String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components | |
sqlwid.dll | Unicode Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components | |
sqlwoa.dll | Unicode/ANSI Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components | |
srclient.dll | SR-CLIENT-DLL | |
srrstr.dll | Wiederherstellungsvorgangsbibliothek für die Systemwiederherstellung | |
srsvc.dll | Systemwiederherstellungsdienst | |
srvsvc.dll | Server Service DLL | |
ss3dfo.scr | Direct3D-Objekte | |
ssbezier.scr | Beziers-Bildschirmschoner | |
ssdpapi.dll | SSDP Client API DLL | |
ssdpsrv.dll | SSDP Service DLL | |
ssflwbox.scr | Direct3D-FlowerBox-Bildschirmschoner | |
ssmarque.scr | Marquee/Laufzeile-Bildschirmschoner | |
ssmypics.scr | Mein Diashow-Bildschirmschoner | |
ssmyst.scr | Mystify-Bildschirmschoner | |
sspipes.scr | Direct3D-Röhren-Bildschirmschoner | |
ssstars.scr | Starfield-Bildschirmschoner | |
sstext3d.scr | Direct3D-Textbildschirmschoner | |
staxmem.dll | Microsoft Exchange Server Memory Management DLL | |
stclient.dll | | |
STDFTDE.DLL | Microsoft-DLL mit Formatierungsobjekten für Standarddaten | |
stdole2.tlb | Microsoft OLE 3.50 for Windows NT(TM) and Windows 95(TM) Operating Systems | |
stdole32.tlb | Microsoft OLE 2.1 for Windows NT(TM) Operating System | |
sti.dll | Digitalbildgeräte-Client-DLL | |
sti_ci.dll | Digitalbild-Klasseninstallation | |
stimon.exe | Digitalbildgerätemonitor | |
stobject.dll | Systray-Shell-Serviceobjekt | |
storage.dll | OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library | |
storprop.dll | Eigenschaftenseiten für Speichergeräte | |
streamci.dll | Streaming Device Class Installer | |
strmdll.dll | Windows Media Services Streamer Dll | |
subrange.uce | | |
subst.exe | Subst Utility | |
svchost.exe | Generic Host Process for Win32 Services | |
svcpack.dll | Windows 2000 Service Pack Setup | |
swprv.dll | Softwareanbieter für Microsoft® Volumeschattenkopie-Dienst | |
sxs.dll | Fusion 2.5 | |
syncapp.exe | Create a Briefcase | |
synceng.dll | Windows Briefcase Engine | |
syncui.dll | Windows Aktenkoffer | |
sysdm.cpl | Systemsteuerungsoption "System" | |
sysedit.exe | Windows-Systemeditor | |
SYSINDE.DLL | SysInfo | |
SYSINFO.OCX | SysInfo | |
sysinv.dll | Windows-Systeminventur | |
syskey.exe | SAM-Sperrungsprogramm | |
sysmon.ocx | Systemmonitorsteuerung | |
sysocmgr.exe | Alleinstehender Manager für optionale Komponenten | |
sysprint.sep | | |
sysprtj.sep | | |
syssetup.dll | Systemsetup für Windows NT | |
system.drv | Windows System Driver core component | |
systeminfo.exe | Systeminformationen | |
systray.exe | Systray .exe stub | |
t2embed.dll | t2embed | |
TABCTDE.DLL | TABCTL32 - OLE-Steuerelement-DLL | |
TABCTL32.DEP | | |
tapi3.dll | Microsoft TAPI3 | |
tapi32.dll | Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telefonie-API-Client-DLL | |
tapi.dll | Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server1 | |
tapiperf.dll | Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Performance Monitor | |
tapisrv.dll | Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Telefonieserver | |
tapiui.dll | Microsoft® Windows(R) Telefonie-API UI-DLL | |
taskkill.exe | Prozessbeendigungsprogramm | |
tasklist.exe | Taskliste | |
taskman.exe | Task-Manager | |
taskmgr.exe | Windows Task-Manager | |
tcmsetup.exe | Microsoft® Windows(R) Telefonieverwaltungssetup | |
tcpmib.dll | Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor Helper DLL | |
tcpmon.dll | Standard-TCP/IP-Portmonitor-DLL | |
tcpmon.ini | | |
tcpmonui.dll | Standard-TCP/IP-Portmonitor-UI-DLL | |
tcpsvcs.exe | TCP/IP Services Application | |
tdc.ocx | TDC ActiveX Control | |
telephon.cpl | Option "Telefonie" in der Systemsteuerung | |
telnet.exe | Microsoft Telnetclient | |
termcap | | |
termmgr.dll | Microsoft TAPI3 Terminal-Manager | |
termsrv.dll | Terminaldienste | |
tftp.exe | Trivial File Transfer Protocol App | |
themeui.dll | Windows-Design-API | |
timedate.cpl | Option "Datum/Zeit" der Systemsteuerung | |
timer.drv | Timer-Treiber für PCs | |
TLBINF32.DLL | TypeLib Information Objects | |
tlntadmn.exe | | |
tlntsess.exe | Hilfsprogramm für den Microsoft Telnetserver | |
tlntsvr.exe | Telnet | |
tlntsvrp.dll | Microsoft Telnet Server Proxy Stub | |
toolhelp.dll | Windows Debug/Tool helper library | |
tourstart.exe | Windows-Tourstartprogramm | |
tracerpt.exe | Berichterstellung für Ereignisablaufverfolgung | |
tracert6.exe | IPv6-Routenverfolgungsbefehl | |
tracert.exe | TCP/IP-Traceroutebefehl | |
traffic.dll | Microsoft Traffic Control 1.0 DLL | | | Tree Walk Utility | |
trkwks.dll | Distributed Link Tracking Client | |
tsappcmp.dll | Terminal Services Application Compatibility DLL | |
tsbyuv.dll | Toshiba Video Codec | |
tscfgwmi.dll | WMI-Anbieter für Terminalserverkonfiguration | |
tscon.exe | Dienstprogramm zum Verbinden von Sitzungen | |
tscupgrd.exe | Setup von Custom Action Dll | |
tsd32.dll | DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM) Audio Encoder & Decoder | |
tsddd.dll | Framebuffer Display Driver | |
tsdiscon.exe | Dienstprogramm zum Trennen von Sitzungen | |
tskill.exe | Dienstprogramm zum Abbrechen der Terminaldienste | |
tslabels.h | | |
tslabels.ini | | |
tsshutdn.exe | Dienstprogramm zum Herunterfahren des Systems | |
tssoft32.acm | DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM) Audio Codec für MSACM V3.50 | |
txflog.dll | Simple Kernel-mode File-based Log | |
typelib.dll | OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library | |
typeperf.exe | Befehlszeilen-Systemmonitor | |
udaprop.dll | CMI UDA Property Page | |
udhisapi.dll | UPnP Device Host ISAPI Extension | |
ufat.dll | FAT Utility DLL | |
ulib.dll | Hilfs-DLL für Dateidienstprogramme | |
umandlg.dll | UManDlg-DLL | |
umdmxfrm.dll | Unimodem Tranform Module | |
umpnpmgr.dll | Plug & Play-Dienst (Benutzermodus) | |
unicode.nls | | |
unimdm.tsp | Dienstanbieter für Universalmodem 5 | |
unimdmat.dll | Unimodem Service Provider AT Minitreiber | |
uniplat.dll | Unimodem AT Mini Driver Platform Driver for Windows NT | |
unlodctr.exe | Unload PerfMon Counters | |
untfs.dll | NTFS Utility DLL | |
updcrl.exe | UPDCRL | |
upnp.dll | Universal Plug and Play API | |
upnpcont.exe | UPnP Device Host Container | |
upnphost.dll | UPnP-Gerätehost | |
upnpui.dll | UPNP-Taskenleistenüberwachung und -ordner | |
ups.exe | UPS Service | |
ureg.dll | Registry Utility DLL | |
url.dll | Shell-Erweiterungs-DLL für Internetverknüpfung | |
urlmon.dll | OLE32-Erweiterung für Win32 | |
usbmon.dll | Standard Dynamic Printing Port Monitor DLL | |
usbui.dll | USB-Benutzeroberflächen-DLL | |
user32.dll | Client-DLL für Windows XP USER-API | |
user.exe | Windows Benutzerschnittstelle-Komponente | |
userenv.dll | Userenv | |
userinit.exe | Userinit-Anmeldeanwendung | |
usp10.dll | Uniscribe Unicode script processor | |
usrcntra.dll | 3ccntry | |
usrcoina.dll | U.S. Robotics modem coinstaller | |
usrdpa.dll | U.S. Robotics data pump manager | |
usrdtea.dll | 3cdte | |
usrfaxa.dll | 3cfax | |
usrlbva.dll | 3clbv | |
usrlogon.cmd | | |
usrmlnka.exe | U.S. Robotics driver interface | |
usrprbda.exe | U.S. Robotics enable/disable probe | |
usrrtosa.dll | 3crtos | |
usrsdpia.dll | 3csdpi | |
usrshuta.exe | U.S. Robotics shutdown helper | |
usrsvpia.dll | 3csvpi | |
usrv42a.dll | 3cv42 | |
usrv80a.dll | 3cv80 | |
usrvoica.dll | 3cvoice | |
usrvpa.dll | U.S. Robotics voice pump | |
utildll.dll | Unterstützungs-DLL für Verbindungen | |
utilman.exe | UtilMan EXE | |
uxtheme.dll | Microsoft UxTheme-Bibliothek | |
v7vga.rom | | |
VB5DB.DLL | Visual Basic ICursor Interface Library | |
VB6DE.DLL | Internationale Ressourcen für Visual Basic-Umgebung | |
VB6STKIT.DLL | Visual Basic Setup Toolkit Library DLL | |
VBADE32.OLB | Visual Basic for Applications Object Library | |
VBAEN32.OLB | Visual Basic for Applications Object Library | |
VBAEND32.OLB | Visual Basic for Applications Object Library | |
vbajet32.dll | Visual Basic for Applications Development Environment - Expression Service Load | |
VBAME.DLL | VBA : Middle East Support | |
VBAR332.DLL | Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service | | | VBI Surface Allocator Filter | |
vbscript.dll | Microsoft (r) VBScript | |
vbsde.dll | Internationale Ressourcen für Microsoft (r) VBScript | |
vcdex.dll | 32-bit MSCDEX Virtual Device Driver | |
vdmdbg.dll | VDMDBG.DLL | |
vdmredir.dll | Virtual Dos Machine Network Interface Library | |
VEN2232.OLB | Visual Basic for Applications Object Library | |
ver.dll | Bibliotheken zur Versionsüberprüfung und Dateiinstallation | |
verifier.dll | Standard application verifier provider dll | |
verifier.exe | Treiberüberprüfungs-Manager | |
verinst.exe | | |
verisignpub1.crl | | |
version.dll | Version Checking and File Installation Libraries | |
vfpodbc.dll | Microsoft Visual Foxpro ODBC-Treiber | |
vga64k.dll | 32K/64K color VGA\SVGA Display Driver | |
vga256.dll | 256 Color VGA\SVGA Display Driver | |
vga.dll | VGA 16 Colour Display Driver | |
vga.drv | WOW Display Driver Module | |
vjoy.dll | 32-bit Joystick Virtual Device Driver | |
vmhelper.dll | Microsoft® Virtual Machine Helper Library für Java | |
VMNetSrv.dll | Virtual Machine Network Services Notify Object | |
VSFLEX3.OCX | vsFlex3 ActiveX Controls | |
vss_ps.dll | Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service proxy/stub | |
vssadmin.exe | Befehlszeilenschnittelle für Microsoft® Volumeschattenkopie-Dienst | |
vssapi.dll | Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Requestor/Writer Services API DLL | |
vssvc.exe | Microsoft® Volumeschattenkopie-Dienst | |
vwipxspx.dll | Virtual Dos Machine IPX/SPX Interface Library | |
vwipxspx.exe | | |
w3ctrs.dll | Leistungsindikatoren für WWW-Dienst | |
w3ctrs.h | | |
w3ctrs.ini | | |
w3svapi.dll | W3 Service Client API Stubs | |
w32time.dll | Windows-Zeitdienst | |
w32tm.exe | Windows-Zeitdienst-Diagnoseprogramm | |
w32topl.dll | Windows NT Topology Maintenance Tool | |
wamregps.dll | WAMREG Proxy Stub | |
watchdog.sys | Watchdog Driver | |
wavemsp.dll | Microsoft-Wave-MSP | |
wbcache.deu | | |
wbcache.enu | | |
wbcache.esn | | |
wbcache.fra | | |
wbcache.ita | | |
wbcache.nld | | |
wbcache.sve | | |
wbdbase.deu | | |
wbdbase.enu | | |
wbdbase.esn | | |
wbdbase.fra | | |
wbdbase.ita | | |
wbdbase.nld | | |
wbdbase.sve | | |
wdigest.dll | Microsoft Digest Access | |
wdl.trm | | |
wdmaud.drv | WDM Audio driver mapper | |
webcheck.dll | Websiteüberwachung | |
webclnt.dll | Web DAV Service DLL | |
webfldrs.msi | | GER NSE Ship |
webhits.dll | Indexdienst-Webtreffer | |
webvw.dll | Shellwebansicht-Inhalts- und Steuerelementbibliothek | |
wextract.exe | Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor | |
wfwnet.drv | Windows for Workgroups network driver | |
wiaacmgr.exe | Windows-Bilderfassungs-Assistent | |
wiadefui.dll | WIA-Scanner-Standardbenutzeroberfläche | |
wiadss.dll | WIA-TWAIN-Kompatibilitätsebene | |
wiascr.dll | WIA Scripting Layer | |
wiaservc.dll | Digitalbildgerätedienst | | | WIA Stream Snapshot Filter | |
wiashext.dll | Shellordner-Benutzeroberfläche für Imaging-Geräte | |
wiavideo.dll | WIA-Video | |
wiavusd.dll | WIA-Videodatenstromgerät-USD | |
wifeman.dll | Windows WIFE-Schnittstellenkernkomponente | |
win32k.sys | Mehrbenutzer-Win32-Treiber | |
win32spl.dll | API-DLL für 32-Bit-Spooler | |
win87em.dll | | | | WIN.COM for compatibility | |
winchat.exe | Windows for Workgroups Chat (NT) | |
WINDBVER.EXE | SQL Client Configuration Utility | |
WindowsLogon.manifest | | |
winfax.dll | Microsoft Fax API Support DLL | |
winhelp.hlp | | |
winhlp32.exe | Windows Winhlp32-Stub | |
wininet.dll | Interneterweiterungen für Win32 | |
winipsec.dll | Windows IPSec SPD Client DLL | |
winlogon.exe | Windows NT-Anmeldung | |
winmine.exe | Spiel "Minesweeper" | |
winmm.dll | MCI API-DLL | |
winmsd.exe | Systeminformationen | |
winnls.dll | Windows IME interface core component | |
winntbbu.dll | Windows Setup BillBrd DLL | |
winoldap.mod | Windows NT Non-Win16 application shell | |
winrnr.dll | LDAP RnR Provider DLL | |
winscard.dll | Microsoft Smartcard-API | |
WINSKDE.DLL | Microsoft Winsock-Steuerelement-DLL | |
winsock.dll | Windows Socket 16-Bit DLL | |
winspool.drv | Windows-Spoolertreiber | |
winspool.exe | Windows 16-bit WOW Psuedo Printer Driver (loaded as WINSPOOL.DRV) | |
winsrv.dll | Windows-Server-DLL | |
winsta.dll | Winstation Library | |
winstrm.dll | Streams-DLL | |
wintrust.dll | Microsoft Vertrauensverifizierungs-APIs | |
winver.exe | Versionsmeldungssymbol | |
wjview.exe | Microsoft® Java Befehlszeilen-Interpreter | |
wkssvc.dll | Workstation Service DLL | |
wldap32.dll | Win32 LDAP-API-DLL | |
wlnotify.dll | Common DLL to receive Winlogon notifications | |
wmadmod.dll | Windows Media Audio Decoder DMO | |
wmadmoe.dll | Windows Media Audio 8 Encoder | |
wmasf.dll | Windows Media ASF DLL | |
wmdmlog.dll | Windows Media Device Manager Logger | |
wmdmps.dll | Windows Media Device Manager Proxy Stub | |
wmerrDEU.dll | Windows Media-Dienste-Fehlerdefinitionen | |
wmi.dll | WMI DC and DP functionality | |
wmidx.ocx | Windows Media Indexer OCX | |
wmimgmt.msc | | |
wmiprop.dll | Dynamischer Eigenschaftenseitencoinstaller für den WDM-Anbieter | |
wmiscmgr.dll | WMI-Filter-Manager | |
wmnetmgr.dll | Windows Media Network Plugin Manager DLL | |
wmp.ocx | Windows Media Player OCX | |
wmpcd.dll | Windows Media Player CD Support | |
wmpcore.dll | Windows Media Player Core | |
wmploc.dll | Windows Media Player | |
wmpscheme.xml | | |
wmpshell.dll | Windows Media Player-Launcher | |
wmpstub.exe | Windows Media Player Autoplay Loader | |
wmpui.dll | Windows Media Player | |
wmsdmod.dll | Windows Media Screen Decoder DMO | |
wmsdmoe.dll | Windows Media Screen Encoder DMO | |
wmstream.dll | Windows Media Streamer DLL | |
wmv8dmod.dll | Windows Media Video 8 Decoder | | | Windows Media Video Decoder V8 | |
wmvcore.dll | Windows Media Playback/Authoring DLL | |
wmvdmod.dll | Windows Media Video Decoder DMO | |
wmvdmoe.dll | Windows Media Video Encoder DMO | | | Windows Media Video Decoder | |
wow32.dll | 32-Bit-WOW-Teilsystembibliothek | |
wowdeb.exe | Windows Win16 Debugging Helper | |
wowexec.exe | Startprogramm für Windows Win16-Anwendungen | |
wowfax.dll | Windows 3.1 Compatible Fax Driver DLL | |
wowfaxui.dll | Windows 3.1-kompatible Benutzeroberflächen-DLL für den Faxtreiber | |
wpa.dbl | | |
wpabaln.exe | Windows WPA-Sprechblasenerinnerung | |
wpnpinst.exe | Support-EXE für Internetdruckdienst | |
WPWIZDLL.DLL | Web Publishing Wizard COM-Server | |
write.exe | Windows Write | |
ws2_32.dll | Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL | |
ws2help.dll | Windows Socket 2.0 Helper für Windows NT | |
wscript.exe | Microsoft (r) Windows Based Script Host | |
wsecedit.dll | Sicherheitskonfigurations-UI-Modul | |
wshatm.dll | Windows Sockets Helper DLL | |
wshcon.dll | Microsoft (r) Windows Script Controller | |
wshde.dll | Internationale Ressourcen für Microsoft (r) Windows Script Host | |
wshext.dll | Microsoft (r) Shell Extension for Windows Script Host | |
wship6.dll | IPv6 Helper DLL | |
wshisn.dll | NWLINK2 Socket Helper DLL | |
wshnetbs.dll | Netbios Windows Sockets Helper DLL | |
wshom.ocx | Windows Script Host Runtime Library | |
WshRm.dll | Windows Sockets Helper DLL for PGM | |
wshtcpip.dll | Windows Sockets Helper DLL | |
wsnmp32.dll | Microsoft WinSNMP v2.0 Manager API | |
wsock32.dll | Windows Socket-32-Bit-DLL | |
wstdecod.dll | WST-Decoderfilter | |
wtsapi32.dll | Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs | |
wuauclt.exe | Client des automatischen Updates von Windows Update | |
wuaucpl.cpl.manifest | | |
wuaueng.dll | Windows Update-AutoUpdate-Dienst | |
wuauserv.dll | Windows Update AutoUpdate Service | |
wupdinfo.dll | Windows Update Info for NT | |
wupdmgr.exe | Windows Update-Manager für NT | |
wuv3is.dll | Windows Update-Modul | |
wzcdlg.dll | Benutzerschnittstelle für den konfigurationsfreien Dienst für drahtlose Verbind | |
wzcsapi.dll | Wireless Zero Configuration service API | |
wzcsvc.dll | Konfigurationsfreier Dienst für drahtlose Verbindung | |
xactsrv.dll | Downlevel API Server DLL | |
xcopy.exe | Extended Copy Utility | |
xenroll.dll | XEnroll | |
xolehlp.dll | MS DTC helper APIs DLL | |
zipfldr.dll | ZIP-komprimierte Ordner | |
zonedoff.reg | | |
zonedon.reg | | |